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If the unit is placed under the floor carpet, floor mat, or otherwise covered, the ventilation openings and heat sink cannot provide sufficient cooling, leading to overheating and the risk of fire or serious accidents.

If the two sides can't agree on who would be punishing whom by playing the oil card, the likelihood of diplomatic resolution may be even more remote than is commonly accepted. 如果双方不能在打石油牌到底是谁惩罚谁方面达成一致,外交解决的可能性会比一般所认可的更加渺茫。
If the type of the substitutable element is the same as the type of the head element you will not have to specify the type of the substitutable element. 如果替代元素的类型和标题元素的类型相同,你就不需要再指明替代元素的类型了。
If the ultimate destination, the place of departure or the agreed stopping place of the cargo transport is not situated within the territory of the People's Republic of China, a notice indicating the international air transport convention applicable to su (三)货物运输的最终目的地点、出发地点或者约定的经停地点之一不在中华人民共和国境内,依照所适用的国际航空运输公约的规定,应当在货运单上声明此项运输适用该公约的,货运单上应当载有该项声明。
If the ultimate destination, the place of departure or the agreed stopping place of the passenger's journey is not situated within the territory of the People's Republic of China, a notice indicating the international air transport convention applicable t (三)旅客航程的最终目的地点、出发地点或者约定的经停地点之一不在中华人民共和国境内,依照所适用的国际航空运输公约的规定,应当在客票上声明此项运输适用该公约的,客票上应当载有该项声明。
If the underground water is used, the source of the underground water shall be at a distance of at least 15 meters away from the septic tank and waste pile-up site. 使用地下水者,其水源应与化粪池、废弃物堆置场所等污染源保持至少十五公尺以上之距离。
If the unit is placed under the floor carpet, floor mat, or otherwise covered, the ventilation openings and heat sink cannot provide sufficient cooling, leading to overheating and the risk of fire or serious accidents. 如果本机放在地毯、地板垫或其它覆盖物之下,通风孔和散热片将不能对本机进行充分冷却,从而导致本机过热,并有发生火灾或严重事故的危险。
If the upwelling is strong enough, the top of the poloidal loop is expelled from the core [see box on this page]. 如果涌升流够强,极向磁场环圈的顶端会被排出到地核之外(见本页〈反向通量斑块〉)。
If the use of animal food be, in consequence, subversive to the peace of human society, how unwarrantable is the injustice and barbarity which is exercised toward these miserable victims. 「如果吃肉的结果是会危害人类社会的和平,对那些因此而受遭殃的受难者是多么不公平与残暴啊。」
If the user has forgotten to make backup copies of data on the hard disk, data may be lost. 如果用户忘记在硬盘上备份数据,数据就可能丢失。
If the user mistypes the filename or if the file is not available for any reason, the application fails with an unhandled exception error. 如果用户文件名称有问题或者其他什么原因导致的文件无效,这个应用程序因为一个未处理的异常错误而运行失败。
If the user stepped outside, the PDA display would change to an area map marking locations of potential interest. 如果使用者走出户外,PDA会改为显示区域地图,列出使用者可能有兴趣的地点。

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