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According to Aquinas, myrrh and aloes, by their bitterness, their pleasant perfume, and their preserving qualities, represent the penance by which we preserve our souls from the corruption of sin and the pleasing odor of a good report rising before God.

According to American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging system, the clinical stage was stage 0 in 5 patients, stage Ⅰ in 13 patients and stage Ⅱ in 16 patients. AJCC病理肿瘤的分期分别为零期癌5例,第一期癌13例,第二期癌16例。
According to American author Ariel Meadow Stallings, the commodification process - turning something we view as a lifestyle into a product - has happened countless times. 美国作家阿里尔·麦道·斯多林斯认为,这种商品化行为——即把我们看作为生活方式的某种东西转变为商品——已经发生过无数次了。
According to Andrade, Australian redback spiders—members of the black widow family—are ideal models for testing theories of sexual competition and selection. 在安德雷德看来,作为黑寡妇家族的成员澳大利亚红背蜘蛛是关于性竞赛和性选择理论的完美模型。
According to Angel Ariel, all life follows a divine blueprint that we have labeled DNA. 依照天使精灵,所有的生命遵循我们已经标注的DNA神性蓝图。
According to Aniston, her famous Rachelhairdo was created by accident when her friendChris cut her hair with a razor. 据安尼斯顿说,她著名的“瑞秋”发型纯属意外,是由她的朋友克里斯用剃刀削出来的。
According to Aquinas, myrrh and aloes, by their bitterness, their pleasant perfume, and their preserving qualities, represent the penance by which we preserve our souls from the corruption of sin and the pleasing odor of a good report rising before God. 依照阿奎奈所说,没药和芦荟,由于它们的苦味,它们令人愉快的香味,以及它们保存的品质,代表着忏悔,这样我们就保护着我们的灵魂,防止堕落在罪中,一个令人愉快的虔诚传说从神面前升起来。
According to Ariel, the six pairs of DNA double-helix strands have the following roles in our lives. 依照精灵,六条DNA双螺旋体线在我们的生命里扮演如下角色。
According to Article 43 of the CPL, “It shall be strictly forbidden to extort confessions by torture and to collect evidence by threat, enticement, deceit or other unlawful means. 刑事诉讼法第43条规定:“严禁刑讯逼供和以威胁、引诱、欺骗以及其他非法的方法收集证据。
According to Assignment problem and its solution (Hungarian method) that contain strict theoretic proof and practical value, the thesis sets up assignment model of antiaircraft artillery group's firepower optimal allotment in the case of one-to-one-gunsho 依据有严格理论证明和实用价值的指派问题及其解法(匈牙利法),构建了一对一射击和多对一射击情形下的高炮群火力优化分配的指派模型,探讨了该模型的求解,分析了该模型的实际应用,并通过具体实例对该模型进行了初步验证。
According to Atkins, he is not looking to go to war with the food companies, and even Atkins die-hards allow for an occasional doughnut or cookie. 而在阿特金斯看来,他并不想与这些食品公司开战。他说即使是自己的忠实拥戴者们也可以考虑偶尔来点油炸圈或甜面包。
According to Aung Kin, a Burmese historian based in London, the country's army is much stronger than its navy. 生活在英国伦敦的缅甸历史学家昂金表示,缅甸的陆军比海军强大得多。

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