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We believe primary cutaneous leiomyosarcoma should be considered biologically benign with regard to distant metastases, despite the malignant histologic appearance.

We believe interior decoration is a combination of commercial value and style .CDC is equally dedicated to achieving the international standard of quality .The secret of CDC'S success has always been its work force and the calibre of our staffs.The unique 我们相信建筑装饰是一种集合灵性,美感与商业效能的艺术.每一个成功的项目,均须在整个设计施工过程中贯彻以上的理念,寻求达到微秒的互相平衡,才算是真正艺术表现.在现今强调规划及工程成本控制之意念下,更显出设计概念及施工管理是工程成功的关键.我们认为优良的设计,不一定等于庞大的造价开支,一个有计划的工程,应能预先认定可能发生的难题而在规划时将其尽量避免及提供解决方法,当能顺利地达到难度与预算的指标时也同时达到优美的艺术气质,在当地能得到一定的认同.
We believe not only in the intrinsic value of music and the arts but how these can play a vital role in breaking down barriers between people and cultures. 我们认为,除去音乐和艺术的传统价值以外,它们的在不同民族、文化和国家间起到重要的交流作用。
We believe our Amway business will succeed if we doggedly pursue our targets and work with our team members with sincerity, mutual support and encouragement. 我们深信只需朝著目标,坚持不放弃,并与团队之间互相支持,互相鼓励,真诚合作,便可成功发展安利的生意。
We believe our energies and funds are best served at educating the service providers and public, as opposed to engaging in length and costs legal battles. 我们相信,我们的能力及资金最好是投放在教育服务及公众身上,而不是投放在耗时及费财的法律诉讼上。
We believe people are justified by accepting Jesus Christ as Savior. 我们相信人因信耶稣基督为救主而得称义。
We believe primary cutaneous leiomyosarcoma should be considered biologically benign with regard to distant metastases, despite the malignant histologic appearance. 依据病患临床资料及肿瘤病理表徵,我们认为皮肤原发性平滑肌肉瘤虽在组织学上是恶性分化肿瘤,但病程表现近似良性。
We believe quality is the soul of an enterprise. 我们认为质量是一个企业的灵魂。
We believe quilty is the soul of an enterprise. 我们认为质量是一个企业的灵魂。
We believe such an arrangement will conduce to the development of our business. 我们相信这样一个商定的办法将有助于我们业务的发展。
We believe that Adam, created in the image of God, was tempted by Satan, the devil, and fell. Because of Adam's sin, all men have guilt imputed. 我们相信人原是照著神的形像被造,被撒旦那恶者诱惑,在亚当里堕落犯罪,全人类因而成为罪人。
We believe that Europe should and will be outward-looking. 我们认为,欧洲应该而且必将向外看。

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