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What's the genre of the movie? A romantic comedy?

What's that book?he asked. “那是什么书?”他问。
What's that?It's a book too. “那是什么?”“那也是一本书。”
What's the big deal? Now look at Wilt. Look at the stuff he accomplished. He once averaged over 50 points a game. Now that's a big deal. “什么才是大事件呢?看看张大帅吧,看看他所达到的成就吧,他曾经一个赛季场均50分,那才叫大事件呢。”
What's the date today?It's May 1. “今天是几号?”“今天是五月一号。”
What's the date today?It's May the first. “今天是几号?”“今天是五月一号。”
What's the genre of the movie? A romantic comedy? 那部电影是属于哪一类的?浪漫喜剧吗?
What's the matter with Dave recently? He hardly ever answers when he's spoken to.Good lord-it's as plain as the nose on your face: he's in love. 戴夫最近怎么啦?和他讲话时几乎不应声。天啦,难道这还不清楚吗?他在谈恋爱呢。
What's the matter, my angel?asked her husband anxiously. “我的天使,你这么了?”丈夫着急地问。
What's the matter?she kept asking over and over again Alan, what's wrong? “发生了什么事?”她一遍又一遍地问,“阿兰,怎么了?”
What's the next move, then? Demanded Xiao Xu. 小许问道:那么下一步怎么办?
What's the problem?John's dad asked when he arrived. Why is my son in detention? 约翰的爸爸到了之后,问老师,“我儿子怎么了,为什么被您留下来?”

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