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Abuses included instances of extrajudicial killings; torture and mistreatment of prisoners, leading to numerous deaths in custody; coerced confessions; arbitrary arrest and detention; and incommunicado detention.

Abuse allegations are generally referred to the CIA inspector generals office, which investigates from within. 施虐的辩解涉及中情局检查部门,而中情局是负责调查的机构。
Abuse allegedly included beatings, slashing with a knife, and scalding with hot water. 据指称,虐待包括殴打、用刀割伤,用热水烫伤。
Abuse of responsibilities specified in a trust agreement. 违反信托协议里的责任。
Abuse rained down on the noisy students from the open windows. 穿过敞开的窗户传来对那些喧闹学生的责骂声.
Abused wives and children need social help. 受虐妇女和儿童都需要 得到社会的帮助.
Abuses included instances of extrajudicial killings; torture and mistreatment of prisoners, leading to numerous deaths in custody; coerced confessions; arbitrary arrest and detention; and incommunicado detention. 侵犯人权的事件包括未经司法程序处决、对囚犯施以酷刑和虐待、导致大量监禁中的死亡;逼供;任意逮捕和拘留、长时间的单独监禁。
Abusing another would result in being equally abused in a very short time frame. 虐待他人能导致你自己在极短的时间范围内被同样地虐待。
Abusive police tactics. 滥用的警察手段
Abutting to Ningbo Airport and Ningbo Seaport, it provides great convenience to both traffic and transportation. 公司专业生产户外产品,产品包括户外燃气取暖器,燃气烧烤炉,箭头,帐蓬,野营用桌椅等。
Abyssinia Crisis: Italian troops attack Wal Wal in Abyssinia, taking four days to capture the city. 1934年阿比西尼亚危机:意大利军人袭击了阿比西尼亚的沃沃,并花费了4天时间占领了此城。
Ac-cording to military officials, soldiers often go out on missions to talk with the people who live in the sectors they patrol. 军方官员表示他们常常派美军士兵出任务,与住在他们巡逻範围内的居民谈话。

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