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Many villages in the suburbs of the city had become the city districts along with the high-speed urbanization in recent years, but these villages has remained the rural models in land systems, census register and administration systems and were called “vi

Many users have commented that maybe it there should be a return value to signal this condition instead of an exception. However this is the wrong approach in this case. 许多用户说它应该返回一个信号而不是一个异常。但是在这种情况下这是一个错误的方式。
Many uses of an ontology will depend on the ability to reason about individuals. 许多情况下,使用本体是为了用它进行关于个体的推理。
Many variabes can be set per connection. So you can't relay on global values if developers may use their local values to run some queries. 在每个连接中很多变量都可能需要重新设置。如果开发者想设定自己的变量值来运行某些查询就不能继续使用全局值。
Many victims' family members object to Arad's plan to list the names randomly. 许多遇难者家属反对阿拉德随意排列死者姓名的方案。
Many villagers, especially fishermen, worship the giant mammals and believe a dead whale washing ashore is a sign of good fishing to come. 很多村民,尤其是渔民,都有崇拜大型哺乳动物的习俗。他们相信,冲上岸的死鲸是捕捞丰收的标志。
Many villages in the suburbs of the city had become the city districts along with the high-speed urbanization in recent years, but these villages has remained the rural models in land systems, census register and administration systems and were called “vi 摘要近年来,随着城市化进程的加快,许多城市周边的村落,在区域上已经成为城市的一部分,但在土地权属、户籍、行政管理体制上仍然保留着农村模式,形成了“城中村”。
Many vintage books are now out of print. 许多老书现已绝版。
Many visitors arrange their own trips. 很多游客是以自助方式旅行的。
Many visitors will come to our school. 许多访客来到我们学校。
Many volumes, rather than pages, would be required to do justice to the statesmen, soldiers, philosophers, poets, historians, and other famous men of the Sung Dynasty. 要论述宋朝那些政治家、军人、哲学家、诗人、史学家和其他知名人士,用少量篇幅是不够的,恐怕要用若干卷帙才能说个分明。
Many voters know that the promises of different parties before an election are all just pie in the sky. 许多选民都知道各党派在选举前的承诺只不过是空头支票,不会兑现的。

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