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A synth-pop duo famed for its uniquely sleazy electronic sound, art students Marc Almond and Dave Ball formed Soft Cell in Leeds, England in 1980.

A synchronized statement can only be executed after a thread has acquired the lock for the object or class referenced in the synchronized statement. 一个同步的声明,在线程获取了同步声明中引用的对象或类的锁之后,才能被执行。
A synchronous generator control method adopting intelligent sliding mode variable structure control based on nonlinear accurate mode is presented in the paper, Chattering problem existed in the variable structure control is solved using exponential reachi 摘要论述了一种同步发电机系统的新颖控制方法,采用基于非线性精确化模型的智能变结构控制方式对同步发电机励磁系统进行控制。
A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the word you first thought of. 同义词就是无法拼出首先想到的词后转而使用的词。
A syntax error was encountered while processing a script. 当运行到该代码时产生了一个语法错误。
A synth-pop duo famed for its uniquely sleazy electronic sound, art students Marc Almond and Dave Ball formed Soft Cell in Leeds, England in 1980. 这是一支电子乐组合,一组廉价的电子音响设备,马克·阿尔蒙德和戴夫·波尔都是艺术生,他们俩于1980年在英国的利兹成立了“软细胞”组合。
A synthetic chemical resembling natural musk in odor or use. 合成麝香一种类似天然麝香的香味或者用途的人工合成的化学品
A synthetic evaluating model of radar equipment survivability is built in this paper. 如何有效地进行雷达装备战场生存能力评估,对雷达的研制及作战运用具有深远的影响。
A synthetic imitation of natural tortoiseshell. 仿玳瑁模仿自然玳瑁的人工仿造品
A synthetic method of principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis is presented to evaluate and classify the regional logistics development in provincial logistics planning. 摘要提出利用主成分聚类分析的方法对省域物流规划中各地区的物流发展进行综合评价并分类。
A syntype designated as the single name-bearing type specimen subsequent to the establishment of a nominal species or subspecies [Art. 74]. 一个命名种或亚种建立之后,被指定为单一具名模式标本的一个总模式[第74条]。

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