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The waveform analytical method can he used to develop the geologic model for the carbonate reservoir in Tahe field with heterogeneity and anisotropic property in its pore configuration, to research the omnidirectional feature and synthetic mechanism of se

The wave of immigrants has now essentially run its course, officials said, because the backlog of applicants is nearly exhausted. 官员表示因为需要待办移民的申请者几乎都没有了,所以现在这拨移民潮基本上正常地结束了。
The wave of new money has led the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets to consistently hit record highs, having bounced back from an 8.8 per cent correction on February 27, which many blamed for a global sell-off. 这一波新的资金导致上海与深圳股市从二月二十七日的8.8%下跌反弹后继续达到新高点,很多人认为2-27日的大跌导致了全球性的大跌。
The wave of private equity deal activity, accounting for nearly one-fifth of all global mergers and acquisitions, has helped underpin a huge rise in the value of stock markets globally. 私人股本交易活动的浪潮,有助于为全球股市市值大涨提供支撑。私人股本交易活动约占全球并购交易总量的五分之一。
The wave problem is predicted by adopting panel method based on Kelvin source for a ship traveling in a uniform flow. 摘要采用基于开尔文源的面元法求解航行于均匀流场中的船舶兴波问题。
The wave washed away the ladder on the starboard. 大浪把上甲板右舷梯子冲走。
The waveform analytical method can he used to develop the geologic model for the carbonate reservoir in Tahe field with heterogeneity and anisotropic property in its pore configuration, to research the omnidirectional feature and synthetic mechanism of se 摘要以塔河油田碳酸盐岩储集层的孔隙空间结构所特有的非均质性和各向异性为出发点建立地质模型,研究波形的全方位特征及合成机理,依据钻井、测井等资料,建立碳酸盐岩储集层特征与地震响应之间的对应关系,从而根据地震波的波形对储集层的发育程度作出预测。
The wavelet analysis and data processing was made based on sampled data stylebook in order to forecast disaster. 并对采集到的数据样本进行小波分析与处理,预报灾害。
The wavelet-based differential quadrature method (WDQM) is proposed to overcome the shortage of generalized differential quadrature method (GDQM) in treating the problem of concentrated loading. 针对广义微分求积法求解集中荷载问题精度不高的缺点,本文利用小波微分求积法进行了改进。
The wavelets constructed on this new framework were nonlinear and suitable for image processing applications. 根据该新框架构造的非线性小波在低频和细节信号上都非常符合图像处理的需要和特点。
The wavering, unsteady mind, hard to guard, difficult to restrain, the wise one straightens, like an arrow-maker an arrow. 心是飘浮不定的,难以控制,难以防护。智者训练其心,使它正直,如矢师矫正箭一般。
The waves are battering at the shore. 海浪不断地拍击著海岸。

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