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Eurocurrency loans involve large sums of money,they may be short-term, medium-term or long-term.

Eurocollege is already recognised by such agencies – we work closely with them throughout the year - and so any student who goes to those agencies – either on their own initiative or after being encouraged to do so by Eurocollege – will be favourably trea 欧洲学院已经得到了此类中介公司的认可—我们在一年当中的任何时候都保持着密切合作—所以,学生们会受到这些公司的热情接待—不论是他们主动去的,还是受到欧洲学院鼓励后去的。
Eurocollege will as a matter of course be contacted by the agency to confirm that the student is a bona fide Eurocollege student and to provide a general reference as to the student's language skills, attitude, character and period of study. 当然,欧洲学院会与中介公司联系,以证明此学生是不是欧洲学院真正的学生,并且提供综合的介绍,以证明此学生的语言技能,学习态度,性格与学习期限。
Eurocrats see their credibility is at stake. 欧洲共同市场认为其信誉度已危在旦夕。
Eurocrats, implausibly, claim that they will continue to ratify the constitution whatever the people say. 难以理解的是,欧洲共同市场官员说不管人们怎么说他们都将继续批准宪法的实施。
Eurocurrency loa involve large sums of money,they may be short-term, medium-term or long-term. 欧洲货币贷款金额大,有短期、中期或长期。
Eurocurrency loans involve large sums of money,they may be short-term, medium-term or long-term. 欧洲货币贷款金额大,有短期、中期或长期。
Euronet is Europe's leading international exchange. 而泛欧则是欧洲最大的国际性的交易所。
Europa's fractured icy surface is thought to overlie an ocean about 100 kilometers (60 miles) below the surface, and the New Horizons team will be analyzing these images for clues about the nature of the icy crust and the forces that have deformed it. 木卫二的典型冰封表面被认为是躺在100千米冰层下的海洋上,“新视野”的小组将分析这些图片寻找冰盖特性的线索以及使其变形的力量。
Europe (or, to be more precise, Britain, France and Germany) and America have played “good cop” and “bad cop” in pressing Iran to forgo its nuclear programme. 欧洲(或者更确切地说,英国、法国和德国)和美国在向伊朗施压放弃其核武器计划上扮演了“好伙伴”和“坏伙伴”。
Europe adopted a cap-and-trade system to cut its emissions under Kyoto only because America was plugging the idea before it pulled out. 美国利用成功的“限额-贸易”体系来削减二氧化硫污染,而欧洲之所以在《京都议定书》框架内也采用此办法,仅仅是因为美国在退出《京都议定书》之前对该方法曾大为推广。
Europe already has an emissions-trading system (ETS) for its five dirtiest industries. 针对五类污染最严重的产业,欧洲制定了排放交易方案(ETS)。

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