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Of same-sex parenting she says Dads are the new mothers; of motherhood itself, she breezily replaces it with the concept of the mothering process: this involves the egg donor, possibly a surrogate womb, and the adoptivemother who actually raises the child

Of particular significance are two discoveries: first, a new type of neuron, a mirror neuron, that provides the biochemical pathway for imitative behaviours; second, the discovery of the neuronal basis for established stable behaviours, for habit building 有两个发现具有重大意义:第一是发现了镜像神经元,这是一种新的神经元,它为模仿行为提供生物化学的途径;第二是发现了形成固定行为,习惯养成的神经元基础。
Of particular use to exhibition visitors as a reference source after the exhibition has finished. 通常是在展览会结束之后发给观众作为参考的名录。
Of pets such as cats and dogs she liked almost none. 诸如猫狗之类的宠物她几乎哪个都不喜欢。
Of primary interest in business and technical research reports in the validity of the results as the bases for company decisions. 作为公司决策依据的研究结果的可靠性,在商业和技术部分的研究报告中占有重要地位。
Of recent years, scientists follow awfully with interest chemistry of xenon. 摘要近几年来氙化学已引起科学家很大的关注。
Of same-sex parenting she says Dads are the new mothers; of motherhood itself, she breezily replaces it with the concept of the mothering process: this involves the egg donor, possibly a surrogate womb, and the adoptivemother who actually raises the child 对于同性别人的养育,她说“爸爸们是新妈妈”;对于母亲本身,她轻松地用“育儿过程”替代了它:这涉及到卵子捐献者,后者可能只是一个代孕的子宫,而实际上养育了孩子的“养母”因此受孕、怀胎。
Of series product type,Cloth Inspecting Machine Model GA801 is suitable to be used in the finishing room of cotton mills for inspecting and mending fabric defects,upon which the grade of fabric being defined. GA801型验布机是系列产品,适用于棉纺织厂整理车间,用于检验及修理织物上的疵点,并依此判定织物的等级。
Of several rights relevant to alteration of land use lights, contractual management right is a useful form to take general use of flood-plain. 在土地使用权流转所涉及的几种权利中,承包经营权是河道堤滩地综合利用的有效形式。
Of sexually experienced participants, 41% reported trading money for sex and 40% had one night stand experience. 4. 三、有性经验者中,41%有性交易经验,40%有一夜情经验。
Of sexually experienced participants, only 33% reported that they used condom often or every time. 3. 二、有性经验者中,过去保险套使用频率为每次用以及常常用者只有33%。
Of special note is Monday's March TIC data report of net foreign security purchases. 特别是周一的三月份外资购买美国证券净额TIC报告。

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