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The system can easily change coflow temperature, oxygen mole fraction and turbulence parameters by changing the coflow mixture equivalence ratio.

The system calls a WH_DEBUG hook procedure before calling hook procedures associated with any other hook in the system. 在调用与系统中任何其他钩子关联的钩子子程之前,系统会调用WH_DEBUG钩子子程。
The system can be bettered through all-times service, special mailing for court, shortening the deadline of notice, pronouncing judgement by court or regularly and extending the way of service to phones, faxes, messages, e-mails and e-notices. 可以“随时随地送达”,法院专递,缩短公告送达期限,特殊案子实行当庭或者定期宣判,增加电话、电传、手机短信以及电子邮件、电子公告等达达方式予以完善。
The system can be used to capture video, audio, text and image data. 为了达到以上目的,本系统整合了多个模组来提供不同的功能。
The system can deploy and recover FOMC under the way of constant tension control, so that the influence on the SARV motion will be reduced and the intertwist and damage of FOMC will be avoided. 该系统采用恒张力控制收放光纤微缆,使光纤微缆随着水下机器人的运动释放和回收,减小了光纤微缆对水下机器人运动的影响,避免了光纤微缆的缠绕和损伤。
The system can desalinate up to 600 liters of brackish water a day. 这个系统一天可以将高于600公升的盐水去盐。
The system can easily change coflow temperature, oxygen mole fraction and turbulence parameters by changing the coflow mixture equivalence ratio. 该试验装置利用氢气/空气预混合气的高温产物来形成可控活化热氛围,能方便地通过改变协流当量比而改变协流的热氛围、氧氛围和湍流场。
The system can help user to integrate ontology and save labor, meanwhile improve the precision of ontology integration. 该系统为用户整合本体提供帮助,减轻了手工整合本体的工作量,同时提高了本体整合的准确性。
The system can improve the reliability of forest fire forecasts, science and efficiency of fire fighting and the accuracy of disaster assessment after fire, which will work to a new level. 可提高森林火灾预测的可靠性、火灾扑救的科学性和高效性以及灾后评估的快速准确性。
The system can monitor four major indexes in the spraying process, the spraying pressure, spraying flow, sprayer travel speed rate and the percentage of the remaining mix pesticide in the tank. 该系统可实时监测喷施农药过程中的喷雾压力、喷雾流量、喷雾机行走速度和药桶药液余量4个主要参数。
The system can provide additional information as well. 这个系统还能够提供额外的讯息。
The system can seek out, classify and identify thousands of internet messages a day making references to drugs in an attempt to warn companies of potential side effects or gauge positive or negative opinions that could affect their image. 这套服务系统每天可以搜索、分类和识别出数千条提到药品的互联网信息,从而警告公司药物存在的潜在副作用,或衡量病人的正面或负面评价,这些信息可能会影响制药公司的形象。

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