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Description: A system for stimulating the brain to exhibit specific brain wave rhythms and thereby altering the subjects' state of consciousness.

Description – High-speed lacing design based on Wet Weather Boot; trials are focusing on determining soldiers' preference for material combination (all-leather or leather/textile uppers), colour configuration (desert tan, black, or olive green), and air v 描述-基于湿地靴设计的快速绑带;适宜士兵穿着的材料组成(皮革或皮革织物靴面),颜色组合(沙漠黄,黑色或橄榄绿),以及透气孔(是否需要),仍在试验中。
Description: 1.08 square kilometers, comprised of four small islands, close to downtown area, 0.8 sea mile to Jinshatan Sand, proposed for investment in construction of tourist resort, marine amusement and accommodation facilities in folk culture. 项目概况:竹岔岛面积1.08平方公里,由四个小岛组成,是距市区最近的海岛,四面环海,距金沙滩0.8海里,拟建成观光、休闲度假、海上游乐、渔家风情为特色的现代海岛旅游度假区。
Description: A dark celtic cross on a paler translucent background. 描述:一个漆黑的塞尔特十字一淡红,半透明的背景.
Description: A synthesized poetic &calligraphic exhibition, using the curvature appearance and the combinational construction of words with the help of spatial installations to present poetry in divinatory symbols and the scenes of space-time variations. 简述:综合书法以线条、造形、文字结构以及空间实物藉以表现诗的易象与时空变化场景。
Description: A synthesized poetic &calligraphic exhibition, using the curvature appearance and the combinational construction of words with the help of spatial installations to present poetry in multiple scenes. 简述:综合书法以线条、造形、文字结构以及空间实物藉以表现诗的易象与时空变化场景。
Description: A system for stimulating the brain to exhibit specific brain wave rhythms and thereby altering the subjects' state of consciousness. 描述:一个刺激大脑以展示特定的脑电波频率并因此改变目标的意识状态的系统。
Description: A system for the simultaneous application of multiple stimuli (usually aural) with different frequencies and waveforms. 描述:一个同时应用不同频率和电波形式来进行多种刺激(通常是听觉)的系统。
Description: A very cute picture by Julie for the (now defunct) Monthly Character Exchange, September 2000 Edition. 网上人物交换画展(现以停办)收到的礼物﹐二零零零年九月版。
Description: Adds life-like behavior and young to most creatures in Oblivion. 描述:为上古世界的大部分生物增加了接近现实的行为和幼仔。
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately. 描述:当解析请求的资源是发生错误,请检查下面的转换错误细节并适当地更改源文件。
Description: Art works of Chinese paintings and woodcut printmaking created etc. in 1943-2002 by ZHU Xuanxian, from China. 展示有美术家朱宣咸1943--2002年创作的中国画、木刻版画、漫画、水粉画、插画、连环画、速写等作品及相关资料。

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