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We strive to update our data regularly. Unfortunately, we're not able to provide you with detailed information regarding when a specific area will be updated.

We strive our very best to become one of the top neighboring bakeries in Hong Kong which combines all the great tastes and styles from the East and the West, the past &present. 我们努力不懈,致力成为一间集东方与西方特色,以及潮流与传统口味于一身之高级面包西饼专门店。
We strive our very best to become one of the top neighboring bakeries in Taiwan which combines all the great tastes and styles from the East and the West, the past &present. 我们努力不懈,致力成为一间集东方与西方特色,以及潮流与传统口味于一身之高级面包西点专门店。
We strive to achieve our mission as “Customers' Satisfaction Is Our Final Goal” and will keep on promoting our brand name “Cheung Hing Hoo” to the world's market. 祥兴号将继续秉承“以满足客户需求为中心”的经营理念和服务宗旨,致力打造“祥兴号”品牌,拓展海内外市场。
We strive to do our best at every possible segment. 在每一个可能的环节,我们都力求做到最好。
We strive to show booksellers what we are doing to support them and drive footfall into their stores. 我们要努力向图书商展示我们将如何支持他们,并使更多的客人进入他们的商店。
We strive to update our data regularly. Unfortunately, we're not able to provide you with detailed information regarding when a specific area will be updated. 我们尽力按期更新数据,不幸地是,考虑到一个特殊区域将会更新,我们不可能提供给你细节信息.
We strived to be the global supplier of our lines of products. 成为全球性的冷冻系列甜品是我们发展的战略目标。
We strived to lead our Youth in a worship experience each Sunday. The goal is to increase their desire in knowing the Lord and properly feeding them with spiritual nourishments. 我们带领青少年每主日的敬拜。其目的是使他们更愿意认识主并且提供适当的灵命喂养。
We strolled randomly in the town to search for a theatre. 我们在街上漫无目的地走,想找家影院。
We strolled through the park. 我们溜溜达达地穿过了这个公园。
We strongly against of the racialism. 我们强烈反对种族歧视。

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©2008-至今 生物医药大词典- 自2008年3月1日开始服务 生物谷www.bioon.com团队研发