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A holder shall endorse and deliver the bill of exchange when exercising the rights stipulated in the first paragraph of the Article.

A hockey enthusiast. 曲棍球热衷者
A hog in armour is still a hog. 猪穿甲胄仍是猪。
A hold in wrestling or self-defense that is secured on a part of an opponent's body. 揪扭在摔跤或自我防卫中紧抓住对手身体的某个部位
A holder of non-tradable shares holding 5% or more of the total number of shares of a pilot listed company shall undertake that once the undertaking period specified in the preceding item expires, the number of shares it sells by listing, trading and sell 二)持有试点上市公司股份总数百分之五以上的非流通股股东应当承诺,在前项承诺期期满后,通过证券交易所挂牌交易出售股份,出售数量占该公司股份总数的比例在十二个月内不超过百分之五,在二十四个月内不超过百分之十。
A holder of non-tradable shares in a pilot listed company shall undertake that it will not list and trade or transfer its non-tradable shares for a period of at least 12 months from the date on which it obtained the right to list and trade the same. 一)试点上市公司的非流通股股东应当承诺,其持有的非流通股股份自获得上市流通权之日起,至少在十二个月内不上市交易或者转让。
A holder shall endorse and deliver the bill of exchange when exercising the rights stipulated in the first paragraph of the Article. 持票人行使第一款规定的权利时,应当背书并交付汇票。
A holder who, by gross negligence, acquires a negotiable instrument that is not in conformity with the provisions of this Law, shall have no tight thereon, either. 持票人因重大过失取得不符合本法规定的票据的,也不得享有票据权利。
A holdup man walked into a gas station last night and told the attendant: Reach for the sky. 一个强盗昨晚走进一个加油站,向服务人员说:“举起手来!”
A hole about 1.25 cm deep should be made into a soil of friable loam soil with a high humus content. 一个大约1.25厘米深的洞、应该做成一易碎肥土土壤或者高腐殖质的土壤。
A hole in the inner ear causing recurrent infection may require referral to an ENT specialist (ear, nose, and throat) for surgery. 内耳穿孔所导致的周期性感染,则须寻求耳鼻喉科专科医师的治疗。
A hole or passage made by or as if by use of a drill. 钻孔,打洞用或似用钻打孔或通道

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