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Even Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades and Arcturus never fell so low in vibration.

Even Russia is likely to support Mrs Merkel's stance, since its emissions have fallen dramatically since 1990, thanks to the industrial collapse that accompanied the break-up of the Soviet Union. 甚至俄罗斯也有可能支持默克尔夫人的立场,这是由于苏联解体之后许多工业体系随之崩溃,所以自1990年以来该国的温室气体排放量已大幅减少。
Even Russia, where China's president, Hu Jintao, was this week pressing the flesh, is a fair-weather friend—or rather sees China as a foul-weather insurance policy. 即使是俄罗斯(本周国家主席胡锦涛正在该国访问)也只是个普通朋友——或者把中国看作是危机情况下一个垫背的。
Even Satan is transformed into an angel of light. 撒旦也装作光明的天使。
Even Senate control was up in the air, but a tougher climb for Democrats. 即使参议院控制权是悬而未决,但民主党要取胜较难。
Even Shanti did not know what she thought of Hans. 即使是山狄,也不知道她对汉斯的看法。
Even Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades and Arcturus never fell so low in vibration. 甚至天狼星、猎户星、昴宿星团和大角星的振动也从未下跌到如此之低。
Even South Korea halted mostaid. 而韩国则停止了大部分的援助。
Even Stirling Bridge, which is the main pass over that river, would be watched with little interest. 甚至这条河的主要关口施德林桥,也一定是马马虎虎地监视着的。
Even Stuttgart are referring to Bayern as the favourites. 甚至斯图加特也把拜仁列为其最中意的。
Even Thought Courier turned out to be a lot less exciting then I hoped it would be. 真正的问题在于,蓝绿可以获得太大的卡牌优势,比如祭师、见证人、饥渴的知识,还有正义的占卜能力。
Even Uncle Tang lost control of himself for a moment. 有一阵子连唐大叔都控制不住自己了。

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