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The monitoring station is just across the river from the power plant.

The monitoring devices, the programs to convert nerve signals into digital data for capture and replay, all exist in related fields, most notably in pain-monitoring systems and in controls for high-tech prosthetics. 他们所使用的监控设备,将神经信号转换成电子数据以便捕捉和回放的各种程序都早已散见于那些相关领域,尤其是在疼痛检测系统和高科技修复术控制领域。
The monitoring result proved that although the surface settlement velocity was rather great during the initial phase of enrockment, the foundation still maintained firm based on the integrated analysis of lateral displacement, lamination settlement and po 监测结果表明:尽管抛石初期地表沉降速率很大,但综合测斜、分层沉降、孔隙水压力观测结果分析,地基依然保持稳定。
The monitoring results show that the measuring and theoretical results are in good agreement with each other, and FBG sensors put up good performance in stabilization, precision, resistance EMI and ruggedization. 在上海旗忠网球中心双向预应力混凝土看台结构施工期间,将72个光纤光栅传感器埋设结构中,进行了为期8个月的现场施工监控。
The monitoring sites and the signal types of various common faults are illustrated for early diagnosis, including misalignment or off balance of the rotor, shaft bending, loosing of a part, fluid induced vibration and damages of rolling-bearing or gear, e 阐述了振动测试点和测量信号类型的选择方法,给出诸如转子不平衡、轴弯曲变形、转子不对中、部件松动、流体诱发振动及滚动轴承、齿轮损伤等常见故障的诊断方法。
The monitoring sites of water quality were arranged according to the water quality characteristics of wastewater, and the pollution sources and hydrogeology were investigated comprehensively. 根据污水水质的特点,布设水质监测点,对污染源、水文地质等进行综合调查。
The monitoring station is just across the river from the power plant. 监测站与位于河对岸的发电厂正对峙(隔河相对)。
The monitoring systems in some water plants, fan variable frequency monitoring systems in power plant, and boiler control projects and the load regulation systems in power supply have been operating well and playing an important role in the national econo 公司承接的水厂调度监控系统工程,电厂风机变频监控系统工程,锅炉自动控制工程以及电力负载调节系统工程等项目运行良好,在国民经济中发挥着重要作用。
The monk burned a stick of incense in the incense burner. 和尚在香炉里焚上一柱香。
The monk cast their fortunes, and used his powers to look into the past and the future. 和尚算了一下他们的命,并且用他的神通察看了一下过去未来,然后对富人说,“你过去生中杀业太重。
The monk keyed for monkey but kicked mom’s key. 修士帮猴子打资料,却踢了妈妈的钥匙。
The monk said, Once you saved ants in distress. 和尚答道,“你曾经救过困境中的蚂蚁。”

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