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A group of 49 women were asked to smell 10 boxes which contained pieces of T-shirts that had either been worn by men or contained a familiar household odor such as bleach or clove.

A group gymnastics optimizing algorithm able to provide a whole process of multi-object status transformation and to correct position related to the center of the site was presented. 摘要提出了一个基本团体操布局的优化算法,该算法能够给出多目标状态转移的全过程,并能自动修正布局状态相对于场地中心的位置。
A group in the cardiac surgery section of the Operating Room in a large urban hospital met to explore the issue: Given our current caseload, how can we increase efficiency so we all get home on time? 在一家大型的市中心医院当中,心脏外科运用开放空间会议讨论这个议题「在这样的工作量下,我们如何增加工作效率以准时回家?」
A group occupying eastern Oregon, western Nevada, and adjacent areas of northeast California. 派尤特族居住在俄勒冈东部,内华达西部以及加利福尼亚东北的相邻地区的一群人
A group of 1,537 women were randomly assigned to a daily diet that included five vegetable servings, three fruit servings, 16 ounces of vegetable juice and 30 grams of fiber. 一组1,537例妇女被随机分配,日常饮食包括5个蔬菜料理,三种水果料理,16盎司蔬菜汁和30克纤维。
A group of 35 Palestinian refugees arrived in Brazil after spending three years in a barren and rocky encampment between Iraq and Syria. 一群35个巴勒斯坦难民抵达巴西在伊拉克和叙利亚之间的一个不育又多岩石的露营中度过三年之后。
A group of 49 women were asked to smell 10 boxes which contained pieces of T-shirts that had either been worn by men or contained a familiar household odor such as bleach or clove. 让受试组的49位女士闻装有男人穿过的衬衫或含有家常气味如剂味或丁香味的10个盒子。
A group of 550 teachers, parents, local residents and administrators in an American school district met to discuss, and in some cases argue over, how to improve education and deal with the districts budget crisis. 美国一个学区的五百五十位老师、家长、居民以及行政人员运用这个方法讨论、甚至论辩如何改善学区的教育并同时处理预算危机。
A group of Arkansas college students has set the world record for the world's largest Christmas stocking. 美国阿肯色州的一群大学生近日创造了一项新的吉尼斯世界纪录,他们编织出了迄今为止世界上最大的圣诞袜。
A group of Bobcat fans collected the kittens &domesticated them. 竟发现牠们都十分忠心乖巧。
A group of Cha Inpyo fans in Taiwan will soon be on their way to Korea to see Inpyo in person. 一群车仁表的台湾影迷即将来到韩国亲见车仁表。
A group of Confederate soldiers who hole up in an abandoned plantation after robbing a bank, and find themselves at the mercy of supernatural forces. 一批士兵在打劫银行后躲在一个废弃的果园,他们发觉那里有一股超自然力量操控着他们的生命。

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