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And lastly for the Recreation Officer's course we offer a six-month certificate.

And last of all He appeared to me also, as it were to one born prematurely. 8末了也向我这如同未到产期而生的人显现。
And last spring, Metro, a German retail chain, opened a “future store” equipped with an RFID inventory management system involving both smart shelves and scales equipped with RFID readers that can identify types of produce. 去年春天,德国零售连锁商店「麦德龙」开了一家「未来商店」,商店里面安装了射频识别库存管理系统,包括智慧货架、射频识别读取机,以及可辨识产品种类的镑秤。
And last week, Clark said he didn't finish his part of their art project on time because of his part-time job. 上周,克拉克说他没有按时完成他那部分的艺术项目,是因为他的兼职工作。
And last week, the agency opened a criminal investigation in the case and searched the offices of at least one pet food supplier. 上周,该机构开设了案件调查小组,并搜查他的办公室至少有一宠物食品供应。
And lastly Miaka said. We'll be happy. 最后,美朱说道:“我们会幸福的。”
And lastly for the Recreation Officer's course we offer a six-month certificate. 最后娱乐人员课程我们提供六个月证书。
And lastly, 4. That we can be a major player in Far Eastern markets. 最后,第四点,我们可以成为远东市场上一个很有力的参与者。
And lastly, I want to say that, when I talk to my father, we communicate each other with our souls. 最后,我想说的是,每当我和我父亲交流时,不仅仅是话语,而是用心交换心。
And lastly, don't forget our slogan. 最后,别忘了我们的口号。
And later on, another man draped his leather jacket over the nude model as the cavernous warehouse space was filled with a winter chill. 接著,又有另一个人,脱下他的皮夹克给他披上,因为当时在这旧厂房里仍充满了寒意。
And lawmakers in such states as Iowa and Colorado are considering their own measures to protect against what you might call the candid camphone. 而美国依阿华州和科罗拉多州的立法者则正在考虑新的措施保护人们的隐私。

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