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He is neither an electrician nor a repairman.

He is my strings, no matter how restless the rhythm I play, he always there for me. 他就是我的白键,无论我(黑键)奏出怎样躁动的旋律,他都会一如既往的守着我。
He is named Joseph, but is called Joe. 他取名约瑟夫,但人叫他乔。
He is near akin to us. 他和我们是近亲。
He is near forty. 他年近四十。
He is near that justifieth me; who will contend with me? let us stand together: who is mine adversary? let him come near to me. 8称我为义的与我相近。谁与我争论,可以与我一同站立。谁与我作对,可以就近我来。
He is neither an electrician nor a repairman. 他既不是电工也不是修理工。
He is neither reading nor writing. 他现在是既没有读也没有写。
He is nervous because his job is at stake. 他很紧张,因为他的工作濒临危险。
He is nervous of stranger. 他见到陌生人会紧张。
He is never heard to speak, although Harry does impersonate him once, using a hoarse whisper (SS16). 从来没有人听过他说话,尽管哈利有一次用嘶哑的声音模仿过他。
He is never too late to mend. 改过不嫌迟。亡羊补牢,未为晚也。

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