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President Bush made a rare visit to Capitol Hill, lunching with GOP senators, making the case for immigration reform.

President Bush is to announce a wave of restrictions on Burma's ruling military junta, the White House says. 布希总统将在缅甸的统治军事政务会上宣布限制的浪潮,白宫说。
President Bush is under more pressure than ever to change course in Iraq. 布什总统正面临前所未有的压力来面对如何改变伊拉克问题的进程。
President Bush is using his State of the Union address to try to revive his domestic agenda and deflect criticism about the war in Iraq. 布什总统试图在国情咨文中使他的国内议程重新生效并且对关于伊战的批评进行辩解。
President Bush is vowing to help Minneapolis \rebuild this collapse\ bridge. 布什总统发誓要帮助明尼阿波利斯重建起这座坍塌的桥梁。
President Bush is vowing to help Minneapolis rebuild its collapsed bridge. 布什总统承诺将帮助明尼阿波利斯重建坍塌的大桥。
President Bush made a rare visit to Capitol Hill, lunching with GOP senators, making the case for immigration reform. 布什总统今天就移民改革议案特地亲访国会,与共和党议员共进午餐。
President Bush made a statement from the White House Monday to mark the fourth anniversary of the Iraq war. 布什总统星期一为纪念伊拉克战争四周年在白宫发表讲话。
President Bush meets Pope Benedict XVI defending his humanitarian record after the Pope expresses concerns about what he calls the worrisome situation in Iraq. 布什总统会见罗马教皇尼迪克特十六世进行了会面,在教皇表示了关注对伊拉克动荡局势的不安之后,布什对自己的人道主义立场进行辩护。
President Bush met Wednesday with the two people he assigned to lead the probe into conditions of Walter Reed Medical Center. 星期三,布什总统与受他指派负责调查沃尔特里德医疗中心的两名人员会晤。
President Bush met Wednesday with the two people he assigned to lead the probe into conditions of Water Reed Medical Center. 布什周三接见了他所任命的两名负责调查沃尔特里德陆军医疗中心条件的领导人。
President Bush names marine general Peter Pace whole help shape the Pentagon's role in the war on terror to lead the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 参谋长联席委员会,是美国总统及国防部长领导军事的咨询机构与指挥军队的执行机构。隶属于国防部。

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