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Four points will keep us on course, but six will be better and that is what we are aiming for,he stated.

Forsake your folly and live, And proceed in the way of understanding. 箴9:6你们愚蒙人、要舍弃愚蒙、就得存活.并要走光明的道。
Forty-six-point-two percent of the workers surveyed stated they are unlikely to report to duty during an influenza pandemic. That is almost half of the public health workforce. 的受调查者声称在流感期间他们不想去报到。而这一数字几乎是其总数的一半。”
Found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, an alabaster container with finely carved stoppers carried the pharaoh's internal organs, preserved with natron, into the afterlife. 这些在图坦卡门的陵墓中找到的容器由雪花石制成,它们上面的塞子雕工精美,把这位法老的器官保存在泡碱液体中,延续着他死后的生命。
Four and five deep?asked Mrs Smith, eyes widened in amazement. 史密斯太太眼睛睁得鸭蛋似的,吃惊地问道:“里三层外三层?”
Four or five players played there last season, so the position seems wide open. “四到五名球员在上赛季打过右后卫这个位置,因此这个位置似乎并没有太合适的人选。”
Four points will keep us on course, but six will be better and that is what we are aiming for,he stated. “四分就可以让我们进决赛圈了,但是六分更好,这也是我们的目标,”他说道。
Four teeth show signs of decay associated with the hole, indicating that the intervention in some cases could have been therapeutic or palliative,he added. 在这9名成年人遗骨中,有4名女性、两名男性,另外3人无法确定性别。科研小组发现,他们一共有11个牙齿被钻了孔。其中一个人的3颗牙齿上有钻孔,另外一个人的一颗牙齿还被钻了两次。
Free Lunch or Last Supper: China's Debt-Equity Swaps in Context.The China Business Review (July-August 2000): 22-27. 免费的午餐或是最后晚餐:中国债转股的来龙去脉〉,《中国商业评论》,2000年7.8月,页22-27.
Free at last, free at last; thank God Almighty, we are free at last. “终于自由了!终于自由了!感谢全能的上帝,我们终于自由了!”
Free software,like free societies, has its enemies. 和自由社会一样,“自由软件”也有敌人。
Free speech is not an excuse to discriminate when government action or funding is involved,said plaintiff attorney Morton Sklar. 他还说:“当涉及政府行为或资助时,言论将不能成为歧视的借口。”

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