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Pharmacokinetics of Samarium-153-EDTMP in the bone metastasis of elderly cancer patients

Pharmacokinetics of Methotrexate Gelatin Microspheres for Hepatic Arterial Chemoembolization in Animals 动物肝动脉栓塞甲氨蝶呤明胶微球的药动学
Pharmacokinetics of Monoclonal Antibody HAb18 and Its F(ab')_2 and Fab Fragments in Mice 肝癌单克隆抗体HAb18及其F(ab′)_2、Fab片段在小鼠体内的药代动力学研究
Pharmacokinetics of Osthole in Rabbits with Impaired Renal Function 蛇床子素在急性肾损伤兔体内的药动学研究
Pharmacokinetics of Protheo in the patient with respiratory diseases 葆乐辉在呼吸系统疾病患者中的药动学研究
Pharmacokinetics of Qingxingtong in Rabbits 青心酮在家兔体内的药代动力学研究
Pharmacokinetics of Samarium-153-EDTMP in the bone metastasis of elderly cancer patients ~(153)Sm-EDTMP在老年骨转移癌病人体内药代动力学研究
Pharmacokinetics of Scutellarin in Rabbits 灯盏花素在家兔体内的药动学研究
Pharmacokinetics of Sulfadimidum (SM2) in Milk Goats with Experimental Reduced Renal Functions SM_2在实验性肾功能减退奶山羊体内的药代动力学
Pharmacokinetics of Xiaoer Reganning Injection in Rabbits 小儿热感宁注射液在兔体内的药代动力学研究
Pharmacokinetics of Zolmitriptan Nasal Spray in Healthy Volunteers 佐米曲普坦鼻喷雾剂在健康人体的药动学研究
Pharmacokinetics of anisodine in Beagle dogs serum by LC-MS 樟柳碱在Beagle犬血清中的药动学研究

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