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Material studied will include the art, architecture, and coinage of Augustan and Neronian Rome, the works of Suetonius and Tacitus, and modern representations of the emperors such as those found in I, Claudius and Quo Vadis.

Material is fed into the spiral spring by axial thrust and cen-trifugal force that is generated by high speed rotation of linear spiral spring, where, the material is pushed forward axially due to internal friction of the material and axial force of the s 该机是通过绕性螺旋形弹簧的高速旋转所产生的轴向推力和离心力,将被输送的物料送入螺旋弹簧内,再由物料的内摩擦及弹簧螺旋的轴向力,将物料作轴向推移,达到输送目的,输送高度按用户要求确定。
Material of cardboard are environment friendly plastic plywood,no-poison,no-bacteria,belong to National product which free of inspection,no need drying and sterilize,material are free of fumigating with jasmine,and quality fully according with national co 本公司所订做的卡板材质为世界环保型胶合板,无毒无细菌,属国家名检产品,无需烘干和消毒处理,为免薰烟型材料,其质量完全符合国家商检局要求.
Material or masonry used to support a structure, such as a wall. 基础材料用于支撑结构的材料或砖石建筑,例如墙
Material patterns are not only the conformation that minorities are subject to the cultural mainstream, but also the foundation from which minorities seek for their cultural identity and resistance. 物质形态是少数族裔从属于主流文化的形态,但同时也是少数族裔或者族裔认同和文化反抗的基础。
Material science –once the least sexy technology –is bursting with new, practical discoveries led by superconducting ceramics that may revolutionize electronics. 材料科学,一度曾是最无吸引力(最不起眼)的技术,正以崭新的,以超导陶瓷为首的种种实用性发明绽开新颜。这种超导陶瓷可能会使电子技术彻底改变。
Material studied will include the art, architecture, and coinage of Augustan and Neronian Rome, the works of Suetonius and Tacitus, and modern representations of the emperors such as those found in I, Claudius and Quo Vadis. 研究内容涉及奥古斯都和尼禄统治时期罗马的艺术、建筑、铸币,苏埃托尼乌斯和塔西佗的著作,以及在《罗马帝国兴亡史》和《暴君焚城记》这类电影作品对皇帝的现代表达。
Material that has almost no resistance to the flow of electricity. 对电流几乎没有阻力的材料。
Material that is organized is better remembered than jumbled information. 按着一定编目的材料要比杂乱无章的混乱信息好记得多。
Material type specified on label as polyamide application of naked flame to webbing and thread resulted in melting consistent with synthetic material. 作为明火的聚酰胺应用,在标签上材料类型说明了与人造材料相熔会呈网状和线状。
Material unaccounted for (called MUF) is often stuck in piping. 物料去向不明损失量(MUF)通常都是附在管道系统中。
Material unwinding unit is equipped with synchronously pushing unit to stable material tension and fasten running speed. 材料放卷配装同步推卷装置,材料张紧力稳定且可瞬间提速。

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