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Bobbin hairiness and cheese hairiness of CJ 7.8 tex which length is mm ~ 9mm were tested,and hairiness number of four grooved drum with different material and surface condition were compared.
测试了CJ 7.8 tex纱的 mm~9 mm管纱毛羽与筒纱毛羽,并对四种不同材质和表面状态的槽筒产生的毛羽数量进行了统计对比。

Blotch reverse printing with reactive dyestuffs 活性染料单面防印工艺
Blow off Gas Recovery for φ . m UGI Gasifier φ . mUGI造气炉吹风气的回收
Blue Parrot food series from Sainsbury Sainsburys 儿童营养食品市场新宠 Sainsburys的蓝鹦鹉食品系列
Blue sheep or bharal (Pseudois nayaur) is one of wild ungulates of the subfamily Caprinae genus Pseudois (Artiodactyla, Bovidae). 岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)属偶蹄目牛科羊亚科岩羊属,是青藏高原特有种,在我国重点保护野生动物名录中,被列为国家二级保护动物。
Bmp was identified as B.cereus. 经鉴定,Bmp为蜡状芽孢杆菌B.cereus.
Bobbin hairiness and cheese hairiness of CJ 7.8 tex which length is mm ~ 9mm were tested,and hairiness number of four grooved drum with different material and surface condition were compared. 测试了CJ 7.8 tex纱的 mm~9 mm管纱毛羽与筒纱毛羽,并对四种不同材质和表面状态的槽筒产生的毛羽数量进行了统计对比。
Boldly Utilize Foreign Funds to Step Up China's Modernization —Issuing Debentures is an Important Means for Making Use of Foreign Funds 大胆利用外资,加速我国现代化建设——发行债券是利用外资的重要渠道之一
Bolivar, Holochlora japonica Brunner Wattenwyl and Gryllus testaceus Walker were common ; Bolivar、日本绿螽斯HolochlorajaponicaBrunner Wattenwyl和油葫芦GryllustestaceusWalker为常见种 ;
Bonding mechanism of crosshead ductile iron surface and tin pewter layer 十字头球铁表面与锡锑轴承合金层结合机理
Bootstrap Variance Estimation for AR Parameters of Cutting Chatter AR模型参数的Bootstrap方差估计
Bootstrap estimations of the Walters and Hilborn method produced an MSY of about 0 tons and an optimum fishing effort of 80 boats. Wal-tersandHilborn方法的Bootstrap结果是0t(吨)的MSY和80艘船的最佳捕捞努力量。

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