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For the optimal designs of the minimal integrity, the theoretics and methods are provided.

For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit. 神所差来的、就说神的话.因为神赐圣灵给他、是没有限量的。
For the operation of gas pipeline, the gas throughput and pressure are different due to the different consumers. 摘要天然气管道在实际运行时,由于用户种类不同,对气量和压力的要求相去甚远。
For the operation of the diversion-type hydropower station after extension, the main problem comes from the safe and stable operations of both the extended generating units and the original ones and the hydraulic influence of their interaction therein. 在扩建增容的引水式水电站运行中,其增容机组和原设机组运行的安全稳定性以及相互的水力影响是其中的主要问题。
For the operational achieves system of modern enterprises, services for achieves usage play a vital part. 摘要现代企业档案工作服务是现代企业制度下档案工作运行机制中最具活力的要素。
For the operators, the cognizing limitation to the consumers, the characteristics of the products and the cost of collecting the information can cause asymmetry of information, inefficiency and the gap between the service which the enterprises supply and 就旅游经营者而言,对旅游消费者认知的局限、旅游产品的特征以及搜集信息所需支付的大量成本都决定了旅游市场信息不对称的存在,并进而产生市场效率低下以及所提供的服务与消费者感知出现缺口等后果,政府及旅游企业应积极采取有效措施解决这些问题。
For the optimal designs of the minimal integrity, the theoretics and methods are provided. 这些结果为图的最小完整度的优化设计提供了理论和方法。
For the other case where B starts off rotating too slowly, tidal locking both speeds up its rotation, and lowers its orbit. 对于B出发太慢慢地替换的另一个情形,潮汐的锁定两者的速度在它的旋转上面,而且降低它的轨道。
For the out doors and golf enthusiasts, the scenic hinterland and premier golf courses are close by. 户外运动及高尔夫球爱好者还会欣喜地发现酒店附近建有风景如画的自然空间以及高级高尔夫球场。
For the overall year of 2005, China's international trade will show the trend that export keeps rapid growth while import decreases in an apparent way. 2005年我国全年进出口贸易增长的态势很可能是出口仍保持高速增长,进口增长速度明显回落。
For the owner of the fishery, the government offered him a fitting position in a firm. 对于渔场的主人,政府给他在一家公司提供了一个适合的职位。
For the oxidase test use a loop or a needle made of platinum-iridium or a glass needle (or a sterile wooden toothpick) but never a nickel-chromium or iron loop (because this give false positive reactions). 氧化酶试验应使用白金环或针,或玻璃针(或无菌的木制牙签),但不要用镍铬环或金属丝以免引起假阳性。

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