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It then took ★ up to 7 a year for the piglet cells to mature and start producing full quantities of insulin.

It then passed along to Azmon and joined the Wadi of Egypt, ending at the sea. This is their southern boundary. 4接连到押们,通到埃及小河,直通到海为止。这就是他们的南界。
It then presents and examines a variety of educational programs provided at liberal arts colleges in the United States. 本文介绍与分析了人文教育的理念、传统及其目前在美国大学的实践。
It then proposes the fundamental principles and specific procedures of formulating the placename translation regulations for the public signs and markings of Shanghai rail transit network, as well as of the entire public transportation industry in China. 在此基础上,提出了制订上海城市轨道交通乃至全国公交行业公示语中的地名翻译规范的基本原则和具体步骤。
It then raises reflections on the construction of dimensions of job burnout, the improvement of its measuring instruments, the cross-cultural research, the process mechanism, and the methodology. 从工作倦怠的维度构建和测量工具的改进、跨文化研究、过程机制、方法论等几个方面提出了进一步的研究思考。
It then returns the value associated with that keyword. 然后,返回与之关联的值。
It then took ★ up to 7 a year for the piglet cells to mature and start producing full quantities of insulin. 这些小猪细胞此后需要多达一年的时间发育成熟,并开始产生足量的胰岛素。
It then transmits data to a wireless sensor worn around the neck. 故此系统可转导信号至带在颈部周围的无线传感器。
It therefore falls into the same arena of theories as those of the Pagan Greeks who believed that Zeus, Atlas and other mythological gods were responsible for the earth and life upon it. 它仅仅是一个理论,假设人是由进化而来,以此来解释人类起源,与那些异教徒的希腊人相信人是由宙斯,阿特拉斯等神话中的神创造的没有什么两样。
It therefore neither gains nor loses water by osmosis. 它们不会因渗透压的不同而吸收或丧失水分。
It therefore throws punches at the flabby middle (training judges, say, or fixing procurement procedures) where the bruises do not show. 因此,他只能对软弱的中部(比如说,培训法官,或者安排获取程序)挥拳猛击,那里的伤也看不出来。
It therefore ultimately requires a democratizationof political communities to give citizens a voice in important decisions made for the community. 因此,根本上而言,它需要政治社群之“民主化”,使社群成员在重要决策之中,赋予自己的声音。

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