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You must use hiragana and katakana appropriately.

You must understand that with many brands of the same commodities competing for sale in our countries your goods are forced not only to have value but also to be seen to give value. 你要明白,在我们国家,总是有很多不同的档次同类产品在这个市场竞争,因此你的产品不仅质量要好,而且外表上也要给人高品质的感觉。
You must understand the elements of mathematics before we can proceed further. 你必须先弄懂数学基础知识, 我们才能进一步学习.
You must use a suit that meets the requirements. 你必须使用符合规则要求的比赛服。
You must use above all your serendipity, in order to experience more over your curse. 你必须利用一切手段,来解除更多在你身上发生的诅咒。
You must use full runway for take-off. 你必须使用全跑道起飞。
You must use hiragana and katakana appropriately. 你适当地必须使用平假名和片假名。
You must use the settings on this page. 使用规定的游戏设置.
You must use this Serial Number to activate and enable your product for use. 您必须使用该序列号激活产品,方可使用本产品。
You must use wet blanket/clothes to cover the holes, and use to water to cool down the temperature. 要用浸湿的被褥、衣物等堵塞窗缝,并泼水降温。
You must use your time wisely and have proper rest. 你们必须好好利用时间,并作适当的休息。
You must value your family because it gives your stability. 你必须注重你的家庭关系因为它给你安全感。

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