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All these movements were suppressed by the warlord government.

All these markets rose by more than 6%, mostly driven by stronger fund inflow. 这些股市都上涨超过6%,主要是受到大量资金流入的推动。
All these measures are to maintain ball screw's excellent characteristics and performances. 所有这些措施是为了保证丝杠的良好的特性和性能。
All these media build a platform for communication between Chinese and foreign business and 8 million passengers taking SAL flights every year. 公司具有广告发布及国内广告代理的资质,拥有各类设计制作、印刷业务及会展、会务功能的综合型广告公司。
All these men of war, that could keep rank, came with a perfect heart to Hebron, to make David king over all Israel: and all the rest also of Israel were of one heart to make David king. 代上12:38以上都是能守行伍的战士、他们都诚心来到希伯仑、要立大卫作以色列的王.以色列其馀的人也都一心要立大卫作王。
All these methods are one of the key reasons for the predomination of Shi Ji Zhuan. 这些阐释方法的使用是《诗集传》能有如此显赫地位的重要原因之一。
All these movements were suppressed by the warlord government. 所有这些运动都受到军阀政府的镇压。
All these needs have been met except love, unconditional love, although love is within the heart of almost all parents, the challenge is to convey this love to their child. 除了爱,无条件的爱,父母满足了孩子所有这些需求,尽管几乎所有父母的心中都充满了对孩子的爱,但让他们把这种爱表达出来仍然是很困难的。
All these new faces must do just one thing: get this club back to the good old days. 所有这些新面孔必须做的只有一件事:把这个俱乐部返回的好日子.
All these nouns designate speech or writing marked by an extravagance or affectation of style that the content does not warrant. 这些名词都表示语言或文字的浮夸或空洞无物的虚假文体。
All these nouns refer to a favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances. 所有这些名词都指一种有利的环境或多种因素。
All these officials of yours will come to me, bowing down before me and saying, 'Go, you and all the people who follow you! 8你这一切臣仆都要俯伏来见我,说,求你和跟从你的百姓都出去,然后我要出去。

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