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The politicalization of academic research is a dissimilation in academic research that interferes with the cultural innovation of the academic journals.

The political relationship between the Peoples Republic of China and Indonesia, experiencing circuitous development in the past 55 years, has finally established bilateral strategic partnership, which is the fruit of the peoples wisdom and friendship of t 摘要新中国与印度尼西亚的政治关系,经历55年的曲折发展,最终形成战略伙伴关系,这是两国人民智慧和友谊的结晶。
The political separation of Taiwan and China does not make China an enemy, but puts into practice a choice of lifestyles and values. 台湾与中国在政治上分离并非与中国为敌,而是在实践生活方式与价值上的选择。
The political standoff ended when the army took over. 当军队接管后,政治僵局才告一段落。
The political system will outlast most of us. 我们大多数人将看不到这一政治制度的消亡.
The political teaching in Chinese ancient drama criticisms may roughly divide into three stages: the Song and Yuan Dynasty is the producing stage, the Ming Dynasty is the extending stage, the Qing Dynasty is deepening perfecting stage. 摘要我国古典戏曲政教之论的发展,大致可划分为三个阶段,即:宋元为萌生期,明代为拓展期,清代为深化和完善期。
The politicalization of academic research is a dissimilation in academic research that interferes with the cultural innovation of the academic journals. 摘要学术泛政治化是影响学报文化创新的主要的学术异化现象。
The politicalization of the academic journals can be caused by the following factors: historical traditions, social conventions, authorities-based, binding systems, utilitarianism, and domino offect of name brand. 历史传统、社会习俗、官本位观念、体制制约、功利主义、名牌效应等方面的因素,都有可能引发学术泛政治化现象。
The politically sensitive bilateral deficit with China rose 67 per cent compared with February last year, reaching $13.9bn. 美中双边贸易逆差是政治敏感问题,与去年2月相比上升67%,达139亿美元。
The politically sensitive deficit with China also set a record. 对中国具有政治敏感性质的贸易赤字额创下一个记录。
The politician cops out on the issue of free trade. 那政客对自由贸易的问题只是一味逃避。
The politician decided to keep his head down until the committee actually asked him to lead the Party. Until then he would just carry on with his customary work. 该政客决定在委员会正式请他领导该党之前暂不抛头露面。在得到邀请之前,他只是继续他一贯的工作。

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