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If you understand Hindi then their one hour discription is enough for you to understand real reason behind your own problem.

If you turn this switch, you can control the sped of the machine. 转动这个开关,你就可以控制机器的速度。
If you two are going to marry, I advise that you need to know the fundamentals of cooking. 如果你们要结婚的话,我建议你们了解烹调的基本知识。
If you two work in the same office, it's unavoidable to meet her. 如果你们两个人在同一个办公室做事,你几乎免不了要遇见她.
If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. 如果您在“地址”栏中键入了网页地址,请检查其拼写是否正确。
If you type「.LOG」at the beginning in the notepad's file, the current date and time will be appended at the end of the file after saving it. 另外也可以在文件开头处输入「.LOG」字样,以后编辑该档时「记事本」便会自动为你加上「时间与日期」。
If you understand Hindi then their one hour discription is enough for you to understand real reason behind your own problem. 如果你懂得北印度语,那么大概大概一个小时的时间就足够阐述明白,让你了解在你的问题背后的真正原因。
If you understand that you are on this planet as an individual, you believe that is all you are, but in fact, science tells you that you will exist in 11 other dimensions of time and space. 如果你了解你是在这一行星上有如一个个体,你相信那是全部的你,但事实上,科学告诉你,你将存在于其他11个维度的时间和空间里。
If you understand the Liverpool way, that brashness is frowned upon, that the club are nothing without the fans, then you will never walk alone. 如果你了解利物浦的文化,了解这里人们讨厌自以为是,了解俱乐部无论如何也离不开球迷。那么,你永远不会独行。
If you update daily, and you're willing to take the bandwidth hit, you might find that they don't even mind a one way link. 如果你每天更新,您愿意采取带宽击中,你可能发现自己甚至不介意单程环节.
If you use Groove a lot with people on the other side of the globe, you probably will need it a lot more. 但是如果你经常要与另一个半球的客户打交道的话,你就得经常使用这项服务了。
If you use Outlook, the process is a little different. 如果你使用状态,这个过程有点不同.

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