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All bright house types daylighting, it is all good to ventilate, the luxurious clubhouse, indoor swimming pool, light court,, recreation teahouse ,etc. all available, life it is about for facility to spread all over, Shanghai way very much,, republicanism

All books must be returned two weeks before the term ending regardless of the time limit. 九、借出图书无论到期与否,一律须于学期结束二星期前归还。
All bookstores gave a 15 percent discount during the book fair. 书展期间,各书店一律打八五折。
All boys are keen on military matters. 旁白:这男孩子就是对军事感兴趣。
All brake linings and bands of life boat winch to be renewed. 救生艇吊机所有刹车带及刹车片换新。
All bread is not baked in one oven. 人与人不同,花有几样红/不能强求一致。
All bright house types daylighting, it is all good to ventilate, the luxurious clubhouse, indoor swimming pool, light court,, recreation teahouse ,etc. all available, life it is about for facility to spread all over, Shanghai way very much,, republicanism 全明房型采光,通风俱佳,豪华会所,室内游泳池,灯光网球场、休闲茶室等一应俱全,生活设施遍布左右,沪太路、共和新路两大交通网络前后相伴,出行方便无阻碍。
All buildings completely meet green and power saving construction standard, power saving rate reaches up to 50%. 所有建筑完全符合绿色建筑和节能建筑的标准,能耗节能实现50%的节能率。
All buildings in this region are alike without any distinguishing features. 2这个地区的建筑都一个样,没有什么特色。
All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at any Extraordinary General Meeting and all that is transacted at an Annual General Meeting, with the exception of the consideration of the accounts, balance sheet, and the reports of the Executive 除了基金会帐户、资产负债表、关于理事会与审计员的报告、选举理事会理事、任命审计员等内容,其它所有在理事会特别会议和理事会年会上所处理的业务,都应被视为特殊业务。
All but a few will say amen to his proposal. 除了少数几个人外,大家都会十分赞成他的建议。
All but a rate few quicky dispel the myth that superwoman ever existed. 超级女人曾经存在的神话几乎迅速不攻自破。

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