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0.% think undergraduates should have a love affair. More than 70% agree to caress and embrace between lovers. 8.7% accept sexual behavior.
果8.7%的医学新生并未谈过恋爱,0.%的人认为大学适合谈恋爱,超过70%的学生认同恋人间的拥抱抚摸等行为,8.7%的学生可以接受性行为,非常看重贞洁的学生有 .9%。

The superovulation start in estrus cycle day 0~ in range of day 8~ gets better response than other days; 在发情周期的第8~天开始超排,其中第0~天的卵巢反应最好;
(HSO-HO method. 0.7±0.0ppm, c.v..0%, certified value is 0.9± 0.7ppm) respectively. Result for hexavalent chromium determination in stewed baby clams and fish with tomato juice is 0.0 ± 0.00ppm, c. v. V..%(H_SO_-H_O_法:0.7±0.00ppm,C.V..0%,保证值为0.9±0.7ppm)。
The proportion of infective mosquito calculated by the daily survival rate and the days needed for development of mature filaria larvae in mosquito was 0.9 which, was very close to 0. obtained in the field observation. 用日存活率和幼丝虫在蚊体内发育成熟需要天数两个参数推算传染性蚊比率为0.9,与现场调查感染期幼虫阳性蚊数与脱鞘微丝蚴阳性蚊数的比率0. 相近。
0 Cases of Chronic Cervicitis Treated by External Application of Resina Draconis Powder 外用血竭散剂治疗慢性宫颈炎0例
0 cases ( %)had Malpresentions. cases(9.%)had contracted pelves and pelvic malformations; cases ( .97%)had necks coiled with umbilical cord,7 cases ( .89%)had barrier of amnionic sac. 头浮原因不能在每个初产妇找到,也可能几个原因同时存在,多与胎方位异常(0例占 %)骨盆狭窄或畸形( 例占9.%)、脐带缠颈( 例占 .97%)、羊膜囊障碍(7例占 .89%)等有关。
0.% think undergraduates should have a love affair. More than 70% agree to caress and embrace between lovers. 8.7% accept sexual behavior. 果8.7%的医学新生并未谈过恋爱,0.%的人认为大学适合谈恋爱,超过70%的学生认同恋人间的拥抱抚摸等行为,8.7%的学生可以接受性行为,非常看重贞洁的学生有 .9%。
eyes in patients in control group were done extracapsular extraction of cataract,implantation of artificial lens and cairns trabeculectomy. 对照组 例、眼行白内障囊外摘除、人工晶体植入术联合小梁切除术。
cases of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus managed with glipizide 格列吡嗪治疗例非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病
cases of the sebaceous gland carcinoma at ocular portio were studied in a case-control study at our EENT hospital during the period 978-99. 0 cases of non-sebaceous gland carcinoma and non-malignant tumors were randomly selected as the control. 用病例对照方法,对本院97 ~99年期间眼部例皮脂腺癌进行病因学研究随机选用0例非皮脂腺癌、非恶性肿瘤病人为对照,并按年龄、性别、诊断时间和居住地区与病例组相配对。
flocks, breeding pairs of the giant petrel have been found in the summer of 99 /99,and it is estimated that the breeding population has around 00 pairs. 调查期间共发现繁殖群体个,繁殖鸟对,繁殖种群数量估计在 00对左右;
-bit SAW Programmable Tapped Delay Line 位声表面波可编程抽头延迟线

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