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Captain tell you the life expectancy for pilots around here?

Captain Sao Feng: Welcome to Singapore. 萧峰船长:欢迎来到新加坡。
Captain Seru looked at the numbers.Suddenly,her face changed.‘No,no,’she said.‘I don't want to talk.It's late and I'm tired.Sit down and have a drink. 塞鲁船长看了看那些数字。突然,她的脸色变了。“不,不,”她说,“我不想谈。时候不早了,我也累了。坐下喝点什么吧。”
Captain Wilm Hosenfeld: What is your name? So I can listen for you. 维姆·霍森菲德上尉:你叫什么名字?这样我可以聆听你的。
Captain Xu Demin first called his wife saying a group of unidentified men were robbing his boat. 船长徐德明打电话告知他妻子,有一伙不明身份的人正在抢夺他的船只。
Captain and star centre-forward Roy Bentley was one of many heroes along with the likes of Frank Blunstone, Stan Wicks, Peter Sillett, Chic Thompson, Eric Parsons and Stan Willemse. 球队的队长,中场核星罗依巴特尼与布鲁斯顿、威克斯、斯勒特、汤普森、帕尔森斯以及威勒姆瑟一起成为了球队夺得联赛冠军的英雄。
Captain tell you the life expectancy for pilots around here? 上校告诉你们飞行员的平均寿命有多长吗?
Captain von Stephanitz worked tirelessly to improve the breed, and to look for other ways the German Shepherd could be useful to mankind. [范·斯迪芬尼茨上校为了优化(德牧)品种不知疲倦的工作着,同时也不断开发德牧对于人类新的功用。
Captain, I am calling to fix up the time to talk about your sea protest. Will you be free this afternoon? 船长,我打电话是来定一个时间讨论一下你们的海事声明,今天下午你有空吗?
Captain, round up some guests! 队长,召集一些宾客来!
Captain: Alarm! Everyone take position. Send out distress signal and ask for help from vessels nearby! 船长:拉响警报,全体船员各就各位,发出求救信号,向附近船只通告。
Captain: All right. Go inside, clean up, change your clothes , children. 舰长:好的。孩子进去,洗乾净,更换你们的衣服。

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