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Jim Long, bundled in his winter jackets, spread machine-made snow all over his lawn to create a winter wonderland for his wife.

Jim Halsey: I DONT WANT TO DIE! 吉姆·哈尔西:我不想死!
Jim Hamm, 70, was recovering in hospital following the terrifying ordeal. California Department of Fish and Game spokesman Steve Martarano said Hamm had saved her husband's life. 70岁的吉姆.汉姆历经这场令人胆颤的苦难后,在医院复元中。加州渔猎部发言人玛塔拉诺说,汉姆救了丈夫一命。
Jim Harper, director of information policy at the CATO Institute, estimates the cost of implementing the REAL ID program at $23 billion, and says there is little evidence it would boost security. 吉姆·哈珀是加图研究所的信息政策理事,他估计执行《真实身份法案》将会花费230亿美元,他还说即使这样也不见得能增加多少安全性。
Jim Jarmuschs Broken Flowers,starring Bill Murray as a middle-aged Lothario, took second place. 吉姆·贾木许的《破碎之花》紧随其后,著名影星比尔·默里在片中扮演一位中年好色之徒。
Jim Kurring: There's no one else in here? 吉姆:这儿没有了别人。
Jim Long, bundled in his winter jackets, spread machine-made snow all over his lawn to create a winter wonderland for his wife. 吉姆·隆裹着他的冬季夹克,在他的草坪上铺满了机械制造的雪,为他的妻子创造这个冬天的奇景.(我刚刚看了一下视屏.应该天气没有下雪.
Jim M reports from Baghdad. 吉姆.M报道于巴格达。
Jim Neumann, a resident of Arlington, Texas, is a long-time rock climber. 来自阿林顿的吉姆·诺尔曼就是一位忠实的攀岩爱好者。
Jim Raynor: Just worry about getting your people through the gate, Executor. Fenix and I will hang back and protect our flank until everyone is through. 吉姆·雷诺:只管将你的人送到传送门,我和菲尼克斯将会奋战到所有人都离开为止。
Jim Rogers: Commodities have not correlated to stocks for many decades. 吉姆·罗杰斯:商品与股票不相关已经好几十年。
Jim Rogers: Corn will certainly make all time highs before the bull market ends for many reasons including ethanol, weather and others. 吉姆·罗杰斯:玉米肯定会在牛市结束前创历史高点,其原因包括乙醇,天气以及其他。

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