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At high magnification, the alveolar exudate of mainly neutrophils is seen.

At here, based upon designing idea of the shearing planes of left and right two shears are at ±45° with respect to main transmission plane and the combination with changeable structure, the shearing mechanism of two mutually twisted flat screw wires was d 在此,基于左右两把剪刀的剪切平面相对于主传动平面成±45°,以及与变结构相结合的设计理念,设计出了两根互绕扁螺旋钢丝的剪切机构。
At high altitudes of Tibet it is difficult to breathe. 在西藏海拔很高的地方呼吸很困难。
At high magnification, granulation tissue has capillaries, fibroblasts, and a variable amount of inflammatory cells (mostly mononuclear, but with the possibility of some PMN's being present). 高倍速镜:肉芽组织由毛细血管、成纤维细胞和大量的各种炎细胞组成。炎细胞主要是单核细胞,也可以伴有嗜中性粒细胞的出现。
At high magnification, liquefactive necrosis of the brain demonstrates many macrophages at the right which are cleaning up the necrotic cellular debris. 高倍镜下,在右侧的脑组织液化性坏死灶中许多巨噬细胞清除了坏死的细胞碎片。
At high magnification, many neutrophils are seen in the tubules and interstitium in a case of acute pyelonephritis. 高倍镜下,见急性肾盂肾炎的肾小管和肾间质中有中性粒细胞。
At high magnification, the alveolar exudate of mainly neutrophils is seen. 高倍镜下,可见以嗜中性粒细胞渗出为主的肺泡。
At high magnification, the alveoli in this lung are filled with a smooth to slightly floccular pink material characteristic for pulmonary edema. 高倍镜显示,肺泡内充满表面光滑并且泡沫状粉红色物质,这是肺水肿的特征。
At high magnification, the dermis is expanded by dense collagenous fibrosis in a patient with systemic sclerosis. Immunofluorescence is not helpful with scleroderma. 高倍镜下,系统性硬化症病人真皮中胶原纤维增加使皮肤增厚。免疫荧光检测对硬皮病是无用的。注意:近年来我们往往用系统性硬化症取代名词硬皮病。
At high magnification, the germinal center in this reactive lymph node follicle has prominent macrophages with irregular cellular debris (so-called tingible body macrophages). Blood vessels are also more prominent. 高倍镜下反应性淋巴结滤泡的生发中心有明显的含不规则细胞碎片的巨噬细胞(称为“易染体巨噬细胞”)。血管也是非常明显的。
At high magnification, the lymphocytes and plasma cells are seen around a renal tubule in a renal transplant patient with acute cellular rejection. 高倍镜可见发生急性细胞排斥反应的肾移植病人的淋巴细胞和浆细胞浸润于肾小管周围。
At high magnification, the neoplastic glands of adenocarcinoma have crowded nuclei with hyperchromatism and pleomorphism. No normal goblet cells are seen. 高倍镜下腺癌腺体见大量密集深染异型性明显的细胞核。不见正常的杯状细胞。

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