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We show that an increase in the steady-state economic growth rate is due to the expansion of biotechnology in a agricultural production technology has innovative technological change and improve quality of environment and the dynamics of the short-run gro 本文也尝试分析预料到的低污染农耕技术采用对经济成长的短期和长期的动态效果,发现从宣告到全面使用该项新技术前,产出成长率是下降,直到新的农耕技术开始使用,产出成长率才会上升。
We show that asymmetric mechanisms with explicit discrimination dominate symmetric mechanisms without discrimination. 我们证明了带有显性歧视的不对称机制优于无歧视的对称机制。
We show that the optimality of the quality-related R&D subsidy depends on the taste distribution among domestic consumers: the government should subsidize (tax) the high-quality domestic firm's quality-related R&D activity if the variance of this distribu 我们设立一个简单的垂直产品差异模型,假设外国厂商之产品品质为外生既定,探讨本国在福利极大化目标下如何藉由品质研发补贴政策以影响厂商之产品品质选择。
We show that the previously documented positive effect of foreign ownership on firm performance is substantially attributable to foreign corporations that have, on average, larger shareholding, higher commitment, and longer-term involvement. 我们可以证明先前记录的外国资产对公司表现的正面影响充分归结于外国公司平均所有的更大的股份,更高的承担义务,更加长久的关系。
We show that uniqueness of the solution to the learning problem in the case of regression can be restored by appropriately restricting the space of the admissible solutions to sufficiently smooth functions. 并证明如何利用适当的控制平滑函数来反推回归式学习问题的解法的独特性。
We show you the pool…..Now jump in to have fun in learning language! 我们展现给你语言知识的海洋,为什么不乐在其中呢?
We showed high respect to benefactors. 我们对捐助者表达了崇高的敬意。
We showed our appreciation with flowers. 我们用花表示谢意。
We shows that an inhomogeneous superfluid state is most widespread in the phase diagram. 作者发现了一种非均匀的超流相在相空间占主导地位。
We shuttled the passengers to the city center by helicopter. 我们来来回回地用直升机把旅客运送到市中心。
We sign this petition on the occasion of the first ever Global Day of Action against Waste Incineration on 17 June 2002. 我们签署这份连署书之目的,是为了2002年6月17日首次的「反废弃物焚化国际行动日」。

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