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“Partnering” provides mechanisms for co-operation between the participants, so that energy-sapping disputation is removed and productive working relations are carefully and deliberately built, based on mutual respect, trust and integrity.

“Papa, we are late,” said Princess Ellen, turning her lovely head on her statuesque shoulders as she waited at the door. “爸爸,我们准会迟到啦,”呆在门边等候的公爵小姐海伦扭转她那长在极具古典美肩膀上的俊美的头部,开口说道。
“Pardon was freely extended to all who had resisted the invasion” (John R. Green). “赦免一切抵抗侵略的人们”(约翰R·格林)。
“Part of our difficulty is a lack of rigour in Earth science. “我们的部分困难来自于地球科学中缺乏的严格性。
“Part of our difficulty is a lack of rigour in Earth sciences. “我们困难的一部分是在地球科学中缺乏严格性。
“Part of them . . . reverted to their former prejudices in regard to Lincoln” (Baron Charnwood). “他们中的一部分…恢复了早先对林肯的偏见”(巴伦·查恩伍德)。
“Partnering” provides mechanisms for co-operation between the participants, so that energy-sapping disputation is removed and productive working relations are carefully and deliberately built, based on mutual respect, trust and integrity. 合作管理制造合作机制给各方的参与者,以致争论被消除及建立有建设性的工作关系,是小心地及有意地建立,建基于彼此尊重,信任及诚实正直.
“Passable rock face”(203) or “Impassable cliff”(201) should be used to represent stone-faced banks in front of graves. 墓前的石崖应使用「可通越岩壁」(203)或「不可通越岩壁」(201)来代表。
“Passion of Loessial Ground” was joined the 8th domestic exhibition and got the bronze award. 1994年以表现西部山川的《情系黄土地》参加全国八届美展,并获铜奖。
“Past cloth-wrappers” stands for the grieved things, your experiences and complaints cumulated perennial. “过去的包袱”就是那些常年累积起来的伤心事,你的经历和怨气。
“Patents”shall mean those letters patent,utlilty models and applications therefor presently ownedor hereafter acquired by Party B and/or which Party B has or may have the right to control or grant license thereof during the rerm hereof in any or all count “专利”是指乙方目前拥有的或将来获得的、有权或可能有权控制的、或在本合同有效期间在世界任何国家许可转让的、适用于或可能被用来制造本产品的专利证、实用新型及其专利申请。
“Pax Christi veniat” (May the peace of Christ come). 此图为”愿基督的平安来临”。

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