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After a scan on Thursday, the team said in a statement that Beckham had suffered a sprained medial collateral ligament in his right knee.

After a recent spate of consolidation in the industry, many steelmakers are looking at acquisitions. 在近期的钢铁行业整合大潮后,许多钢铁制造商正在考虑收购。
After a refreshing nap, Mr Adams was again his own man. 亚当斯先生睡了个好午觉,又恢复了精神。
After a roller-coaster week, Wall Street closed up today. The rebound comes after the Fed cut its key discount rate a half percentage point Friday morning. 在经历了跌宕起伏的一周之后,华尔街股市今天微涨收盘。这股反弹是由于美联储于周五上午将其主要贴现率降低了0.5个百分点。
After a rough first inning against the Blue Jays in his last start on Thursday, when he fell into a quick 0-4 hole, Silva finished strong in Toronto. 他上一场对上蓝鸟的比赛中,虽然在第一局就出现乱流,很快的就以0比4落后,但最终仍表现稳定。
After a running battle with Juve fans and management earlier this season, Zebina is now ready to commit his future to the Turin giants. 在赛季初期因为和尤文球迷以及管理层出现冲突后,现在泽比纳准备将他的未来交付给都灵豪门。
After a scan on Thursday, the team said in a statement that Beckham had suffered a sprained medial collateral ligament in his right knee. 在经过周四的扫描后,英格兰队对外发出声明:贝克汉姆遭受扭伤导致右膝韧带拉伤。
After a search is made of the hotel, they realize that the murderer is one of them. 在搜寻了整个旅馆这后,他们知道了凶手就是他们的其中之一。
After a second or two of panic, she got control of herself. She was a good swimmer, quite at home in cold water. The pond wasn't Lake Superior. All she had to do was find the hole in the ice and get out. 经过一两秒钟的慌张之后,她镇静了下来。她很会游泳,在冰水里也颇自在。这个池塘又不是苏必烈湖。只要找到结冰层的那个洞口,出去就行了。
After a second)On your right hand side is the kitchen. 一会儿之后)在右边的是用厨房.
After a seemingly endless wait for the big week to come around, the Liverpool players, staff and officials this morning departed John Lennon Airport for Athens. 在一个看似无穷尽的等待之后,伟大的这一周终于来临,利物浦球员、教练组和官员们早晨飞离约翰·伦农机场,前往雅典!
After a series airraid, the traffic in the capital was chaotic. 在敌人连续空袭后,首都的交通糟透了。

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