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So the Cat´s Best Universal (non clumping pellets) or our CHIPSI shavings are more suitable for rabbits.

So the Arameans were afraid to help the Ammonites anymore. 于是亚兰人不敢再帮助亚扪人了。
So the Arameans were not willing to help the Ammonites anymore. 于是亚兰人不敢再帮助亚扪人了。
So the Bible teaches us that not only have we inherited a mortal nature from Adam, but like him we have disobeyed God; we have sinned and so deserve this condemnation from God. 所以,圣经告诉我们,我们不但继承了亚当腐朽的本性,而且还像他一样违抗了神;我们已经犯罪,所以我们理应得到神的审判。
So the Buddhist attitude toward life cultivates samvega — a strong sense of the meaninglessness of the cycle of birth, aging, and death — and develops it into pasada: a confident path to the Deathless. 因此,佛教对生命的态度令人长养厌离之心——即对轮回于生老死之强烈的无谓感;进而将其提升至清净——即对涅磐之道的信心。
So the CPC and Chinese people have followed a correct road of cultural development guided by Marxism-Leninism. 沿着马克思主义指引的方向,党和人民选择了一条正确的文化发展道路。
So the Cat´s Best Universal (non clumping pellets) or our CHIPSI shavings are more suitable for rabbits. 而蓝标木屑沙(吸水后会散开,不会凝结的)或木屑会比较适合兔子使用。
So the Cowardly Lion jumped across the river, first with the Scarecrow on his back, then with Dorothy and Toto, and last with the Tin Man. 第一次,胆小鬼狮子驮着稻草人跳过河去,接着是多萝西和托托,最后是锡人。
So the Department of Justice should wave the merger through, while keeping the right to interfere if the colossus is poorly policed. 所以,美国司法部应该让芝加哥期货交易所和芝加哥商业交易所的合并通过,但它同时需要保留介入权,以防这个巨型公司没有得到有力的监督。
So the Edomites revolted from under the hand of Judah unto this day. 10这样,以东人背叛犹大,脱离他的权下,直到今日。
So the European negotiators took a more pragmatic approach. 因此,这次欧洲谈判代表带来更务实的方案。
So the F.D.A. proposes that sheep clones not be used for human food. 但克隆羊研究很有限,因此食品与药品管理局反对食用克隆羊。

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