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8International Labour Day commemorates the historical struggle of working people throughout the world.

890 Since we need the goods urgently, we must i ist on expre shipment. 由于我方急需这批货物,我方坚持使用快递装运。
891 Because of the type of purchase, we can only ship by road. 由于商品的性质,我方只能使用公路运输。
8Accept, I beseech thee, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O Lord, and teach me thy judgments. 诗119:108耶和华阿、求你悦纳我口中的赞美为供物、又将你的典章教训我。
8And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. 主在伊甸之东设置了一个花园,并将人置于其内。
8I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved; because they kept not thy word. 诗119:158我看见奸恶的人、就甚憎恶、因为他们不遵守你的话。
8International Labour Day commemorates the historical struggle of working people throughout the world. “国际劳动节”是为了纪念全世界劳动人民在过去进行的斗争。
8Mine eyes prevent the night watches, that I might meditate in thy word. 诗119:148我趁夜更未换、将眼睁开、为要思想你的话语。
8Q What's the status of the Emerald Dream dungeon? Or Karazhan Lower Side, Grim Batol, Dalaran &Uldum? 问:翡翠梦境的情况?或者下卡拉赞?格瑞姆巴托?达拉然和奥丹姆?
8Solubility :Totally soluble in water. 溶解性:完全溶于水。
8The first myth is that there is overwhelming evidence that the yuan is grossly undervalued. 首先,有足够的证据表明是人民币币值被严重低估。
8Thou hast trodden down all them that err from thy statutes: for their deceit is falsehood. 诗119:118凡偏离你律例的人、你都轻弃他们.因为他们的诡诈必归虚空。

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