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I'd be tickled to death to be able to see the White House.

I'd be interested to know what sort of business takes you to Vermont. 我想知道你到佛蒙特去是要做什么生意。
I'd be most delighted if you will. 如果您愿意,我会非常高兴的。
I'd be obliged if you would stop interfering. 假如你愿意停止的话,我会心存感激。
I'd be sorry if you were to think that I disliked you. 若是你认为我不喜欢你,那我就太伤心了.
I'd be the first to admit (ie I will most willingly admit) I might be wrong. 我愿第一个承认我可能错了.
I'd be tickled to death to be able to see the White House. 能看到白宫的话,我会高兴死的。
I'd be upbeat, too, if I was confident that our star player could play one whole season without having to sit out several games with back spasms. 如果我能确信,我们的明星球员能够不受腰伤的困扰而打完整个赛季,那么我也会对火箭的未来很乐观。
I'd be very happy to help you. 我将会非常高兴去帮助你。
I'd been collecting seashells and fossils, hiking and bird-watching since I could remember. 打我刚记事时起,我就开始收集海贝壳和化石,热衷于徒步旅行及观察野生鸟类。
I'd been helping her online with a fairly complex paperwork problem, and (more by luck that judgment) had managed to solve it for her with some aplomb; coffee was natural after this. 对于这个女生,我已经在网上帮助她相当长时间了,我帮她解决了复杂的英文文书问题,并且帮她改正了一些语法;接下来一起喝咖啡是很自然的事情了。
I'd better )keep my eye on you. 我最好)保存在你上的我眼睛.

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