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In the eastern Indian Ocean, off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, the India Plate slips below the Eurasia Plate along the Sumatra subduction zone.

In the early stages of each trip, transactions were typically conducted without negotiation—at each stop, drivers simply handed over a few thousand rupiah ($0.50 to $1.00) or a couple of packs of cigarettes. 在每个旅行的初期阶段,在每个检查站买卖都没有协商的余地,司机尽其自然地交了几千卢比(0.50美元至1.00美元)或一包烟。
In the early stages of refinery development, when illuminating and lubricating oils were the main products, distillation was the major and often only refinery process. 在早期炼油工业发展过程中,照明用油和润滑油是主要的产品,蒸馏则成了主要的甚至经常是唯一的炼油工艺。
In the early teens, there is a greater susceptibility to peer pressure resulting in alcohol abuse, smoking and sexual experimentation. 年纪较小的钥匙儿童容易对同侪压力有较大的敏感度而导致酗酒,抽烟和过早的性经验。
In the early years of the West-Han Dynasty, the policy of emperors (from Emperor Wen to Emperor Wu), which embraced the combination of Huang-Lao Taoist thought and quietism, has turned the Han dynasty into a dominate power. 摘要从西汉初期黄老思想搭配著清静无为的治国方针,经历吕后与文、景,至汉武国力达到顶峰,然而一切也开始产生剧变。
In the early years of these large immigrations most of the people settled in the urban centers near their port of entry. 在这种大批移民中,早期大部分移民在进入港旁的城市里居住。
In the eastern Indian Ocean, off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, the India Plate slips below the Eurasia Plate along the Sumatra subduction zone. 在东印度洋、印尼苏门答腊岛的西方,印度板块沿著苏门答腊隐没带下沉到欧亚板块之下,这个断层带南端过去曾引发数次规模9的大地震,最近一次地震记录是在1833年。
In the eastern city of Lahore, police used tear gas and fired guns into the air to try to disperse protesters who attacked several Western businesses, including a McDonald's franchise and K-F-C (Kentucky Fried Chicken) outlet. 在东部城市拉合尔,警察使用催泪瓦斯并对空鸣枪,以驱散攻击一家麦当劳和一家肯德鸡等若干西方商业设施的示威者。
In the eastern city of Lahore, police used tear gas and fired guns into the air to try to disperse protesters who attacked several Western businesses, including a McDonald's franchise and K-F-C outlet. 在东部城市拉合尔,警察使用催泪瓦斯并对空鸣枪,以驱散攻击一家麦当劳和一家肯德鸡等若干西方商业设施的示威者。
In the eastern monsoon region, transition of summer rainfall from below normal to above normal in the lower Yangtze River in 1979 was accompanied with dry trends in North China and South China. 与全球增暖相联系的是:我国微量降水在空间上表现为一致的减少趋势,我国北方寒潮事件显著减少,冷夜和冷日的减少与暖夜和暖日的增多并存,以及极端强降水有增多的趋势。
In the eastern part, the Paleogene infilling in the rift structure has been altered by compression and also became important reservoir rocks. 在南沙东北部充填在裂谷中的下第三系受到不同程度的积压,是重要的储集岩层。
In the economic life centering around planting, lumbering and trans porting wood of the regional society, the land system and the relative policies carried out by the dynasty government molded or changed the concepts of land ownership and the social relat 从中可以了解到,区域社会以木材的种植与伐运为中心的经济生活中,王朝国家推行的土地制度及相关政策,塑造或改变了地方社会的地权观念以及以地权关系为中心的社会关系。

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