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Methods 8 cases of specimens of lhtty heartall COllie from autopsy.
研究方法 8例脂肪心皆来自尸体解剖。

Methods case of unilateral ptotic patients with more than 0mm levator function and less than mm ptotic amount were operated with modified Müller muscle tarsal resection and followed up for more than months. 方法选择例单眼上睑下垂患者,提上睑肌肌力>0mm,下垂量<mm,选用改良睑板-Müller肌切除术治疗,术后随访观察 个月以上。
Methods patients ASA Ⅰ-Ⅱ grade with laparoscope operation (more than or equal to hours) were chosen to determine MAP, HR, PaW, PETCO, 0min, 0min,80min before or after insufflation and CVP from laying tube in vena jugularis interna. 方法 选择≥ h腹腔镜手术患者例,ASA Ⅰ~Ⅱ级,于气腹前、气腹后0min、0min、80min分别测定MAP、HR、PaW、PETCO及颈内静脉置管测CVP。
Methods 0 cases of missed abortion, whose intermenstrual periods 0~0 weeks and wombs less than weeks, were treated with mifepristone orally and misoprostol in vaginae. 方法对 0例停经0~0周,妇检子宫<周以下的稽留流产患者,采用口服米非司酮配伍米索前列醇阴道给药的方法治疗。
Methods cases of large concomitant underwent extra large recession of external rectus,on the average of 0mm,then according to the left tropia amount, the internal rectus were shorten from mm to 9mm, on the average of 8mm. 方法对符合手术适应证的 例 眼大度数共同性外斜视行外直肌后徙8~ mm,平均0 mm,再根据残余斜视度行内直肌缩短~9 mm,平均8 mm。
Methods 8 cases with skin and soft tissue defects of hand or forearm were treated with the ilioinguinal flap in our department from October 998 to December 00. The areas of the skin and soft tissue ranged from cm×.cm to cm×cm. 方法对 8例手部及上肢软组织缺损伴深部组织外露应用该皮瓣进行修复,面积cm×.cm~cm×cm。
Methods 8 cases of specimens of lhtty heartall COllie from autopsy. 研究方法 8例脂肪心皆来自尸体解剖。
Methods 8 cases of follicular thyroid carcinomas with infiltration of the peplos were observed by introperative frozen sections and routine paraffin embedded sections,and compared with 0 cases of thyroid adenoma and 80 cases of nodular goiter. 方法对8例有包膜浸润的甲状腺滤泡性癌的术中冰冻切片和术后石蜡切片,与0例甲状腺腺瘤和80例结节性甲状腺肿的术中冰冻切片和术后石蜡切片标本进行了观察比较。 结果滤泡性癌不同于甲状腺腺瘤和结节性甲状腺肿的组织学表现: 滤泡大小不等,以小滤泡为主,其上皮有轻度以上的异型性;
Methods 8 healthy Wistar rats were distributed to groups randomly,using stereotactic guidance to group A:infuse saline 0μl into the right caudate; 方法大鼠8只,随机分为 组:A组:生理盐水组,利用立体定向仪向大鼠右侧尾状核注入生理盐水0μl;
Methods 8 patients of biliary surgery with epidural block were randomly divided into two groups:demerol group(group D, n =) and control group(group C, n =) The demerol (0.~mg/kg) was administered in vein 0 min before skin incision in group D. 方法择期硬膜外阻滞下胆系手术病人 8例 ,随机分为哌口替啶组 (D组 )与对照组 (C组 )各 例。 D组于手术切开皮肤前 0分钟静脉给予哌口替淀 0 ~ mg/kg。
Methods 9 children with HBsAg carrier and 0 healthy children were blooded without eating in the morning. The serum levels of IL-0,IL-,IFN-γ of 9 HBsAg carrier were measured by specific-ELISA. 方法9例HBsAg携带患儿和 0例健康儿童均于清晨空腹采血,以双抗夹心ELISA法检测血清IL-0、IL-和IFN-γ的含量。
Methods suspected chancre specimens which were collected in Hengyang were screened by TP polA PCR. Positive specimens were performed to amplify ARP gene and TPR gene of TP. The TPR gene products were digested by restriction endonuclease. 方法收集衡阳地区疑似硬下疳的标本例,经TP polA PCR筛选后,阳性者用PCR扩增各标本中TP的ARP和TPR基因,酶切TPR基因扩增产物,分析各TP菌株ARP基因长度和TPR基因的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP),进行分型。

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