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The Development and Application of HP-I Closed Thoracic Cavity Drainer

The Determination of the Electroviscosities of Winslow Fluids Winslow型流体电粘性的测定
The Detroit riot is the biggest one. 底特律种族骚乱是这一时期规模最大,破坏性最严重的一次。
The Developing Model of Lower Limber Strength of Elite Wushu Athletes 优秀竞技武术套路运动员下肢力量发展模式
The Development Analysis of Green - Eco Residential Quater in China 绿色生态住宅小区在中国的发展分析
The Development Principles and Planning of Halifax Ecopolis 哈利法克斯生态城开发模式及规划
The Development and Application of HP-I Closed Thoracic Cavity Drainer HP-I型胸腔闭式引流器
The Development and Implementation of CNC System for Slotter 铣槽机床华中I型数控系统的开发与实现
The Development and Transformation for the Molten Sifter 铸石蓖条筛的开发与改造
The Development of 8 dtex/ F Lustre Trilobal Profiled Drafting Fibre of Polyester 8 dtex/ F有光三叶异形涤纶全牵伸丝的研制
The Development of Budded Rice Direct Seeding Machine BDQ-8型振动气流式水稻直播机试验研究
The Development of Cavalry Battalion System in the Late Qing Period 晚清清军马队营制的演变

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