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Leave plenty of the terminal building for turning to avoid jet blast to the people.

Leave off! You'll break it if you're not careful! 停止!你不小心的话会把它破的!
Leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse with warm water. 静等五分钟后再用温水洗净。
Leave on for 7-10 minutes (product may not dry completely). You may experience a slight tingling, which indicates that the product is working. 使产品在面部停留7—10分钟(这个时间产品不会完全干燥)。可能会感到轻微的刺痛感,这表明产品正在起效。
Leave out personal pronouns like “I,” “my” and “me.” Saying, “I performed” this or “I demonstrated” that is redundant. Who else would you be talking about if not yourself? 省略诸如“我”、“我的”及“我”(宾格)之类的人称代词。“我从事过”这个或“我表现出”那个显得累赘。你的简历谈的不是你难道还是别人?
Leave over, you're hurting me! 住手,你伤着我了!
Leave plenty of the terminal building for turning to avoid jet blast to the people. 离开候机楼远一点,转弯时以免吹人。
Leave sensor probe in place until oximeter reaches constant value and pulse display reaches full strength during each cardiac cycle. Read SpO2 on digital display. 打开电源,接通血氧仪。观察脉搏波形/强度和嘟嘟声。对比血氧仪脉率与病人桡动脉搏动。
Leave some of the tip on the ferrule to ensure you do not damage the ferrule. 留一些皮头在先角上以避免在后续操作的时候损伤先角。
Leave some time each day free from appointments. Do not over schedule. 要每天预留一点自由时间,工作不要安排得过量。
Leave something to others, especially your customers! 把部分留给别人去做,特别是你的顾客!
Leave that work for another day. 把那件事留到改天再做吧。

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