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Low Overhead It is simply file copy so overhead to the server is minimal.

Loving, losing, hot touches, cold kisses, mystery, mistakes, leavings, takings, dreams, desires, laughter, lechery. 爱意,失败,热情的触摸,冷冷的吻,神秘,错误,离开,索取,梦想,欲望,大笑,好色。
Low Earth-orbit satellites have become indispen***le for U.S. military communications, GPS navigation for smart bombs and troops, and for real-time surveillance. The Chinese test highlights the satellites' vulnerability. 低地卫星对美国军事通讯、GPS导航及制导,和实时侦察至关重要。中国这次试验凸现了卫星的脆弱性。
Low Earth-orbit satellites have become indispensable for U.S. military communications, GPS navigation for smart bombs and troops, and for real-time surveillance. The Chinese test highlights the satellites vulnerability. 低地球轨道卫星对美国军事通讯、精确炸弹和士兵的GPS导航及制导和实时侦察至关重要。中国这次试验凸现了卫星的脆弱性。
Low Earth-orbit satellites have become indispensable for U.S. military communications, GPS navigation for smart bombs and troops, and for real-time surveillance. The Chinese test highlights the satellites' vulnerability. 低地卫星对美国军事通讯、GPS导航及制导,和实时侦察至关重要。中国这次试验凸现了卫星的脆弱性。
Low Impact Basic aerobics is a good place to start. Select the level right for you and begin to burns away those unwanted pounds. 低撞击舞步在有氧操基本动作的基础上进行不同程度有趣的组合动作、方向变化与动作节奏变化的步伐练习,在不知不觉中达到消耗脂肪的目的。
Low Overhead It is simply file copy so overhead to the server is minimal. 低开销只是文件拷贝,因此对服务器的开销很细微。
Low Upkeep does not start until 40 food (from 30). 低维护费在人口40以后开始而不是以前的30人口。
Low Viscous Drag and High-Speed Capability: The low viscous drag of the Magnetic fluid, and non-contacting seal configuration of the Magnetic fluid feed through assure its extremely smooth operation and its high-speed capabilities. 低阻尼和高速旋转能力:磁性流体极低的粘滞阻力和磁性流体进行给装置无需接触密封圈的结构,决定了它的稳定操作和高速转动。
Low Voltage AC system operating voltages from 120 to 600 VAC. 低压交流电系统中从120到600VAC的电压称为低压。
Low birthweight is a risk factor for coronary heart disease. 低出生体重是得冠心病的一个危险因素。
Low blood pressure can either be a sign of good health or a warning signal to a health problem. 低血压可以是身体健康的表现亦或是健康状况不佳的一个警告信号。

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