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But the next morning the Rat and the Mole got Toad out of bed and made sure that he did some of the work.

But the new happiness gurus are much less willing to defer to people's choices. 但如今新一代的“快乐学”先驱们却趋向于不尊重人们的选择。
But the new rule defined clients as investors. 但是新的提案把客户仅定义为(个体)投资者。
But the new study – carried out between 2001 and 2003 on more than 1,800 analysts whose responses were cross-checked with those of hundreds of executives – takes a different approach. 然而,这一最新研究却采取了与众不同的方式。调查于2001年至2003年进行,针对1800多名分析师进行了问卷调查,他们的回答得到了数百名首席执行官的验证。
But the newcomers' advantages are not overwhelming. 不过新兴跨国公司的优势并不能所向披靡。
But the news is in English, not Spanish. 可是, 那是英语新闻, 不是西班牙文.
But the next morning the Rat and the Mole got Toad out of bed and made sure that he did some of the work. 但是第三天早上,水鼠和鼹鼠把癞蛤蟆从床上拉了起来,要他也干些活。
But the night was mostly about 22-year-old Liu, the Olympic champion, twice world medalist and now new world record holder. 但是今夜是属于22岁的刘翔的,奥林匹克的冠军,两届世界金牌得主,最新的世界记录保持者。
But the nights are so lonely. 但夜晚是如此的孤单。
But the noble man devises noble plans; And by noble plans he stands. 赛32:8高明人却谋高明事、在高明事上、也必永存。
But the noises have engineers paying renewed attention to the threat of orbital debris, which can act as missiles. 而这些噪音已使工程师提高警觉,注意轨道上残骸的威胁,因为它们造成的灾害将和飞弹一样。
But the non-human apes paid the most attention to where the experimenter\'s head was pointing, in particular, looking up when the head was pointed up, no matter what the eyes were doing. 但类人猿更倾向于注意试验人员头部的朝向,进一步说,是当试验人员的头部抬起,无论试验人员的眼睛在做什么动作,类人猿的头都会跟着抬起来。

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