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But drugs do more than provide the dopamine jolt that induces euphoria and mediates the initial reward and reinforcement.

But downward pressure on wages in rich countries could continue for a long time. 但是在富国工资水平向下的压力可能会持续很久。
But draught is not the only weather problem right now for America agriculture. 但是,干旱并不是美国农业所面临的唯一气候问题。
But draw near here, You children of a sorceress, You seed of an adulterer and of her who prostitutes herself. 3你们这些巫婆的儿子,奸夫和妓女之种,都要近前来。
But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore. 3你们这些巫婆的儿子,奸夫和妓女的种子,都要前来。
But drivers written and distributed exclusively by hardware vendors are really only the second best solution. 但是由硬体卖方独占性地撰写以及散布驱动程式,真的只是次佳的解决方案〔而已〕。
But drugs do more than provide the dopamine jolt that induces euphoria and mediates the initial reward and reinforcement. 但药物不只会造成多巴胺的变动,来引发快感以及起初的报偿和强化作用。
But due to a lot of subjective reasons, a few of shortcomings appeared, such as non-balance, discontinuity, imitation, and so on.. We can draw many lessons from it. 但由于各种客观因素的影响,中央与地方关系的发展呈现出不平衡性、断续性、法律规定与现实差距大、移植性等特点,其中一些教训值得后人吸取。
But due to both sides' deep-rooted mistrust and the effect and limitation from the outside factors in a geopolitical environment, their relationship faces challenges as well as twists and turns. 但由于双方根深蒂固的互不信任以及地缘政治环境所带来的外部因素的影响与制约,南北关系发展也充满了曲折和挑战。
But due to its extensive harm, omnivorous habit and skilful hiding ability, as well as its frequent touch with medical equipment, food, and food processing equipment, we should not overlook the danger of possible epidemic diseases caused by it! 但由于蟑螂的侵害面广、食性杂,隐蔽性强,且常接触医疗器械、食品生产加工器械、食品等,所以它引起疾病传播流行的危险性不容忽视。
But during its long voyage Stardustalso picked up a different type of sample -- miniscule particles of interstellar dust that arrived at our solar system from distant stars, lightyears away. 然而在“星尘”漫长的航行中还收集了另一种的样品——极微小的星际尘埃,那是来自遥远恒星(数光年外)的微粒。
But during the Tang Dynasty, the meters in verse developed into unchangeable set forms, which in turn made Chinese poems more rigid and monotonous. 这种情况在宋代逐渐发生了变化,为演唱所需要的韵律各异的词牌出现了,并在宋代大为流行。

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