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As a captain, he was greatly respected, and his`brave sailing efforts helped revolutionize the world.

As a breeder, I became very tired of counting on the calendar to determine when a litter would be born and trying to coordinate that date with other events in my life. 作为一个繁育者,我厌倦了估算小猫出生的时间以调整我的自己时间,避免与其他事情冲突。
As a bride, I had Scott's wedding band engraved with Robert Browning's line “Grow old along with me!” 在我还是新娘的时候,斯科特给我的结婚戒指上面刻着罗伯特?勃朗宁的名言:“让我们一起变老吧!”
As a bridge connecting different cultures and peoples, translation unavoidably involves cultural misreading. 摘要作为跨文化交际的桥梁,翻译活动中不可避免地存在着文化间的误读。
As a businessman, he is busy with market research and social activities with his clients during the daytime; after work, he likes to kill time in a bar alone. 他是个生意人,白天不停地做市场调查,和客户应酬,而下了班以后,他喜欢一个人去泡吧。
As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich. 耶5:27笼内怎样满了雀鸟、他们的房中、也照样充满诡诈.所以他们得成为大、而且富足。
As a captain, he was greatly respected, and his`brave sailing efforts helped revolutionize the world. 作为一位船长,他非常受尊重,而且他的勇敢航行努力有助于宣传世界。
As a carrier of the nutritional fortification, flour has many advantages, and is highly feasible in respect of both technology and cost. 面粉作为营养强化的载体有很多无法比拟的优势,无论在技术、成本上都有较高的可行性。
As a case of Jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, it is obvious that appropriate location of region key city lays abroad the leading intercourse direction in exoteric condition, which departs from the center of the region. 通过嘉兴的实证分析可以看出,开放条件下区域中心城市的适宜区位常常偏离所在区域的几何中心,而趋于主导联系方向。
As a case study of Poyang Lake, the divergent process of the indicator system formation has been made to establish the initial indicator set by using the matter-element theory. 并以鄱阳湖为例,运用物元理论进行指标体系生成的发散过程,形成了初始指标集。
As a case study, the Santong sampling testing system is analyzed, and a data mining based optimization architecture of sampling testing for hot rolling stripe is presented. 以“三同”抽样检验制度为分析对象,提出了基于数据挖掘技术的热轧带钢抽样检验优化框架。
As a case study, the responses of Leymus chinensis steppe of Songnen plain in northeast of China to human being activity (light grazing, middle grazing, heavy grazing and overgrazing) were discussed based on the field observed data. 结果表明,随著放牧强度的增加,羊草草原的植被盖度和生物量随之降低,优势羊草群落将逐渐被盐生植物所替代,群落结构趋于简化,物种向旱生化和盐生化演替。

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