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He says a nuclear explosion originates from a much smaller source than an earthquake or conventional explosion of the same magnitude .

He says China has taken measures to improve the transparency of its military. 他说,中国已经采取措施,提高军方的透明度。
He says Democrats want to increase energy efficiency for vehicles and encourage more private sector research into alternative energy technologies. 他表示共和党想增加车辆的能源效率以及鼓励更多的私营部门寻找可供选择的能源技术.
He says I have slandered him; but , on the contrary, I have always spoken well of him. 他说我诽谤他;但正相反,我总是说他的好话。
He says N.T.P. risks losing all future payments if the workaround is put into effect. 同时,他指出一旦软件工作区开始运行,N.T.P公司将面临失去未来所有回报的风险。
He says U.S. and Iraqi forces are making progress fighting the insurgency. 他说美国和伊拉克部队正在平息暴乱上取得进步。
He says a nuclear explosion originates from a much smaller source than an earthquake or conventional explosion of the same magnitude . 他说与同等级的地震或者常规爆炸相比,核爆炸的爆炸源更小。
He says a nuclear explosion originates from a much smaller source than an earthquake or conventional explosion of the same magnitude. 他指出,核爆炸源比相同等级的地震或普通爆炸小的多。
He says a team from the ad agency brought some models down to his ranch along with some brand new western outfits for them to put on. 他说广告公司的一组工作人员把几个模特带到他的牧场,还装备了一些全新的西部用具。
He says about $20 million in North Korean funds has been transferred out of Macau's Banco Delta Asia to a bank in Russia, where only technicalissues are holding up a final transfer into a North Korean account. 他说这项约2000万的朝鲜资金已经从澳门的汇业银行转到俄罗斯的一家银行,现在将这笔资金最终转至朝鲜帐户只剩下“技术”问题。
He says bold words, actually he is a coward at heart. 他说起话来很勇敢,实际上他内心里是个懦夫。
He says buying a Bentley as a plumbing vehicle is a bit of a practical joke on the industry. 他说买部宾利作为工具车已经成了行业内的一个笑话。

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